Act 9 - Deciding to Move Out of Step

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Shizuku's Perspective

One Week Later...

As I got to the school idol clubroom for practice, I was trying to play the part of the happy-go-lucky underclassman Shizuku Osaka, despite the sense of sadness and yearning that lied in my heart. Yesterday afternoon, two days ahead of schedule, Y/n was taken to move to Kyoto by his mother, despite his objections. Since he thought he was going to leave tomorrow, Y/n and I had planned on spending today together, enjoying one last day with each other before our relationship was going to have to become long distance. But with Y/n only finding out the news when it was too late, Y/n at least came to my classroom after school to tell me in person and give me his last goodbyes, but after that, I haven't heard from him.

As I stepped into the clubroom, I found the place empty. I guess since I was supposed to spend the afternoon with Y/n that I wouldn't be here and have already left to go practice their choreography. As I walked further into the room to put my bag down and to change, I found a note folded so it stood up on the table. I picked it and opened it only to a four word message: Look out the window

Figuring I may as well, I walked over to the window, and as I looked out, I let out a gasp from the surprise of seeing sitting on a bench outside the clubroom was Y/n. I hurriedly left the room and left the building, heading for the bench I saw him sitting at. Was it really him? He should be in Kyoto by now, so why is he here so soon?

As the bench came into view, I saw Y/n, standing in front of it, and with a tired but confident smile, he said "Hey Shizuku. Bet you didn't expect to see me this soon, did you?"

I was so happy to see him, that I couldn't help but run up to him and hug him, his arms gently wrapping around me. "Y/n, I thought you left yesterday, what are you doing here?" I asked

"I finally snapped and broke free from my mom's control." Y/n said "And to be honest, it was because of you."

"What happened?" I said after we let go of each other

Y/n took a seat on the bench and I sat down beside him as he said "It's a bit of a story."


Y/n's Perspective

The Previous Night...

As I stood in my room, picking up my boxes and bringing them to where the movers will pick them up and take them to the truck, I couldn't help but get the image of Shizuku tearing up as we parted ways earlier. I don't want to ever cause Shizuku sadness, but I guess I failed, and it's all because I didn't have the power to stop my mom's whims. I tried to think of everything I could to change my mom's mind and for me to continue my ordinary life, but it didn't work.

As I let out a sigh and sat down on the floor to take a break, my mom entered the room and said "The movers are going to be here soon, get moving again."

"Right." I responded, getting up

"I know you don't like this now, but I'm sure when you're finally working you'll come to enjoy this quickly. I mean you should be thanking me." Mom said as I got up and picked up another box.

"Uh-huh. Sure." I said

Disappointed with my response, my mom said in a sharp tone "Are you still pouting about leaving that girlfriend of yours? Don't worry, I'm sure when we're in Kyoto you'll eventually forget about her and we can find you a girlfriend that I actually approve of."

As it dawned on me what she said, I could feel my anger starting to flare, and I realized I was done with my mother constantly controlling me, deciding what's good for me, and treating me as something to boost her ego. Has she ever really thought of me as something besides something she can use to make herself look better and to boost her own ego?

"Oh really? Somebody you approve of huh? So you really don't trust me to make my own decisions." I said sharply, and as my mom began to speak, I cut her off and said "And before you try to act like you're in the right, I don't care what you approve of. I'm sick and tired of you treating me as something that's just there for your benefit. I'm my own person."

"Excuse me? I'm your mother, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me, and so you will do as I tell you." Mom snapped "So you shou-"

"Should just listen to the person who supposedly knows best? Well guess what? I'm done with that." I said cutting her off before I grabbed the box that contained some of my clothes and my necessities and began to walk away "I'm done with you and I'm out of here. And also, I found the letter from Dad you hid, so you'll know where I'm going."

My mom howled countless insults and demands at me as I walked away, but at that moment I didn't care and wasn't thinking about anything beyond from this moment forward that I wanted to be completely free to live my life, free from my mother's expectations.


"And that's the last time I saw my mother." I said to Shizuku who was leaning against me, happy I was still here.

"I see, so what about your Dad? You mentioned a letter, what was in it?" Shizuku asked, sitting back up

"Apparently when my Dad divorced my Mom, he left a letter for me with ways I can contact him if I ever needed him, but my mom decided to hide it from me. Since I'm no longer in the mood I was in last night, I'm gonna call him in a little bit and see if I can start living with him." I said

"Wait, so then where did you stay last night?" Shizuku asked

"I went and got a hotel room which hopefully I'm not gonna need for another day." I said

"I see. Y/n, I'm still happy you're here, and I'm glad you confronted your mother, but how was any of it because of me?" Shizuku said

"Well, when I went to tell you the bad news yesterday, I saw an open notebook on your desk while you were apparently away for the moment. And I saw the script you had written inside, one section of which stuck out to me: Our stories fill the pages of this empty notebook. These stories will become our future, they will be the scripts of tomorrow. The world is my stage, and it's up to me what sort of character I'll be and how I live. My life will be how I want it to be." I said, thankful that all of my time in the drama club has helped me at least somewhat remember the part that stuck out to me "Call me cheesy if you want to after this, but like I've said in the past, I hate tragedies. And if our story together ended with us being torn apart like that, wouldn't it be the worst ending? Instead, I want to stay beside you, and maybe someday we can find ourselves a happily ever after, together, just like in a fairy tale."

Shizuku started to smile, and while blushing softly, took my hand and said "Y/n, I'd love that so much. I love you so much, and I don't think I'm ever going to want us to part ways."

"Neither do I" I said, taking her hand and bringing her close so that we could share one more kiss, now that I know we won't be separated. Shizuku is the person who I love most, and now that I'm both free from my mother and by her side, I know that I'm one step closer to finding my own personal happily ever after.

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