Act 5 - A Brief Comedy of Errors

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Two Weeks Later...

As drama practice for the day finished up, I stayed back for a minute as everyone else left, stretching out and yawning, figuring that maybe I should just take a nap when I get home. I don't have anything planned for tonight anyway, and it's not like I'm gonna be messing up my sleep so that I don't get much sleep before school, since tomorrow is the weekend.

"Yeah, I think that'll work." I muttered to myself as I grabbed my bag.

However, as I turned to leave the auditorium, I found that Shizuku was waiting for me by the entrance. For the past while, Shizuku's performance on the scene of our character's confessions is even stronger than any other part of the play, which is almost hard to believe considering how skilled she is already. I guess she's just putting in that little bit extra for the climax.

"Hey there, what's up?" I asked

"Y/n, since there's just a week left before opening night for the play, I was wondering if tomorrow or Sunday you'd be willing to go out and do something with me, to destress a little before it starts." Shizuku said, seeming a little nervous

I nodded and said "Sure, I'd love to. But I have something planned for Sunday, so we'll have to do it tomorrow."

"Alright, that's perfect." Shizuku said, starting to smile broadly "How about we meet up at the train station tomorrow?"

"Sounds good." I said, smiling

I walked with Shizuku and saw her off at the train station before heading home myself. Curious about how tomorrow was gonna go, and grateful for the invitation, it took me until I got home to realize that I was wide awake now.


Shizuku's Perspective

That evening, as I sat in my room, I thought about my invitation to Y/n. I had just wanted an opportunity to spend some time with him, and thank him for being so supportive and relaxed about things since we started to spend time together, but now that I'm thinking about it, isn't this kind of a date? If this is kind of my first date with Y/n, then I want to look my best.

I got up and headed to my closet, and after opening it, I started to look over my clothes. I wonder if it'd be better if I went with a more mature look? Or would he prefer to see me with a more cute look?

"I wonder..." I mused to myself before coming to the idea that maybe Yuu or Karin could give me some advice for this. Yuu is really good at noticing our good qualities after all, and even if Karin doesn't know about dating, her fashion advice could really help. And so I grabbed my phone to call them and see what they think, hoping that with their help I could maybe get Y/n's attention.


Y/n's Perspective

As I get to the station to wait for Shizuku, I find a bench and take a seat on a nearby bench. After figuring that I should look presentable if I'm gonna spend the day with Shizuku, I ended up deciding on blue jeans and a black polo as opposed to the t-shirt and shorts I'd be wearing if I was out alone at this point in the year. While I waited for Shizuku to arrive, I pulled out my phone and decided to read some, but before too long, I heard somebody say my name, and so I looked up to find Shizuku walking towards me in a sky blue sundress, her hair done up with the same red bow as usual.

As I saw her heading my way I stood up, a smile growing on my face, and started heading towards her myself. "Hey Shizuku, you look really nice today." I said

Shizuku's smile grew and I saw a small bit of a blush appear on her face as she said "Thanks Y/n."

"So, should we figure something out for us to do, or do you maybe have something in mind?" I said

"I have actually. You've been so supportive and helped me with so much since we've started spending time together, and so I thought today I could show you my gratitude." Shizuku said

Despite the smile on my face, I tried to play it off and shrugged as I said "It's not a big deal. I was just doing what I wanted to do."

"Still, I'm really thankful Y/n." Shizuku said "Now, I tried to put together an itinerary using some insight from my friend, Ai, and from some guidebooks, so you can expect us to have a day of non-stop fun."

"An itinerary huh? Alright, lead the way." I said. I'm admittedly a little surprised by the fact she put together a schedule for this hang out of ours, but I get that some people just prefer to have a plan, and I can appreciate that she put in extra effort to make sure we had fun.

"Alright, then our first destination is a popular pancake restaurant." Shizuku said "I thought we could share one of their seasonal pancakes."

"Sounds like a plan, just lead the way." I said


As the afternoon passed on, Shizuku started to get depressed for understandable reasons. Things started off kinda rough with the pancake restaurant having a gigantic line that would've take all day to get through, then a dorayaki place she wanted to go to was sold out, followed by an italian restaurant that had apparently closed recently, followed by the trinket shop she was planning go to having moved. However, at the very least, an out of the way cafe her friend told her about was still open, but I don't think that only one part of her plans working out helped much.

"What a disaster..." she muttered to herself.

I patted her on the back, and said "Hey, cheer up a little."

"I wanted to be cool like you always are and show you around and say things like 'Isn't it delightful here?" Shizuku said dejectedly "I am so sorry, I put together a whole plan to show you a good time, but it entirely fell apart..."

"When did I say I wasn't having a good time?" I asked


I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a short hug to help her calm down before I said "Sure things didn't turn out perfect, but I've still had a good time since I got to hang out with you. Shizuku, you always work so hard at everything you do, and I'm so grateful that this time it was turned towards having a good time with me. But for now, I say you cheer up a little and maybe we do something a little more spontaneous before we have to head our separate ways."

"Sure." Shizuku said, starting to smile again.

As we headed out to figure out something to do before we split up, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is, which while it isn't something I didn't already know, it's ended up as one of the many reasons I've ended up falling for her.


Shizuku's Perspective

As I rode the train home, I couldn't help but smile and think about how things went during my time with Y/n today. How my plan ended up not going well, but then Y/n comforting me and cheering me up again so we could end things on a good note before needing to head our separate ways. Y/n's can be so sweet and funny when we're together, and in the end despite how poorly it went, spending today with Y/n just helped me realize how much I love him. And so after thinking about it for a while, I decided that on the night of our upcoming performance, I want to tell Y/n how I feel towards him. Although for this, I think I'll stick to a simpler plan


A/n: As long as you don't look too deep into comedy of errors, it works here. Also I kinda wish I hadn't tried to describe outfits here, since I'm really inexperienced when it comes to knowing about clothes and that made me have to do a ton of research

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