Chapter 3

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 Chloe sat on the floor in the dancers den. She slipped off her dance shoes and slipped on her Nike tennis shoes then stood up and grabbed her dance bag after making sure everything was in it.

Nick walked into the dancers den right as Chloe was walking out to go meet her mom in the lobby. "Chloe!" Nick said, causing Chloe to turn around. Her eyes were still slightly red and puffy from crying but she turned around and looked at Nick.

"What just happened in there?" Nick asked, a little shocked when he saw Chloe's eyes were red and puffy. When he saw her eyes he knew right away that she had been crying, but why, was the question on his mind.

"Nothing. I just have to go home, my mom's here to pick me up and I have a ton of homework tonight." Chloe answered, sniffling and wiping under her eyes, trying to make it seem like she was just getting a slight cold, so Nick wouldn't ask why she had been crying.

"Chlo...I know it's more than that and why does it look like you've been crying?" Nick said, walking a little closer to her. Chloe backed away from him until her back hit the door and she couldn't get away from him. Nick walked up close to her to where there was almost no space between the two of them. "Just tell me please? I want to know what I did too make you upset so I can fix it." Nick said, offering Chloe a small smile.

Chloe turned her head away from him and closed her eyes, more tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. What was she supposed to say? Nick you broke my heart and I'm upset because you are dating Andrea and not me? No she couldn't say that. That would tell him that she was jealous. Which with the feelings she had towards him dating Andrea, Chloe could say she was jealous, but she wouldn't tell Nick that. 

"It's nothing you did Nick. My ankle just hurts from that turn sequence that we have in the middle of the routine. I promise." Chloe said, giving him a small smile, hoping that he would believe her so she didn't have to explain anything to him more.

Nick nodded his head, not believing her, but nodding anyways because clearly whatever was bugging her she clearly didn't want to talk about it. Once Chloe saw Nick nod his head and back away from her she walked back over and picked up her dance bag, sliding it onto her shoulder, then walking over to the door.

"Chloe, before you go. This thing that is bothering you...Does Andrea have anything to do with it?" Nick asked, hoping Chloe wouldn't get upset.

When Nick asked this question, Chloe's brown eyes widened. Had her jealousy been so evident that Nick saw it. Her widened eyes quickly turned into a glare though.

"Do you think I'm jealous?" Chloe asked.

Nick was quiet for a minute. "To be honest....I think you kind of are." Nick said. "I think you're jealous because you expected me to wait for your answer to see if you would give me a chance....well waited too long, I've moved on." 

When Nick said this not only did it offend Chloe but it hurt her feelings...a lot. Chloe turned around and stormed out of the dancers den, letting the door slam behind her. A minute later Nick came running out. "Chloe!" Nick yelled to her as she was walking out with her mom. 

Chloe ignored him completely not wanting to talk or listen to Nick anymore. 

"What is all that about Chlo?" Christi questioned. "Nothing." Chloe answered. "It's just something that Nick told me and it kind of hurt me." Chloe continued.

"do you want to talk about it?" Christi asked, concerned.

"No, I'll be fine. I just want to go home and sleep." Chloe said, getting into the car. 

The whole ride home all Chloe thought about was how Nick had said that she had waited to long. Does that mean that Nick never really liked her or that she really had waited to long. Chloe decided not to think to much about it because then she would just make herself more upset.

Once Christi and Chloe got home they saw Marc sitting down on the couch in the living room. 

"Dad!" Chloe yelled, running over to him and giving him a hug. "Hey Chlo." He said, rubbing her back. Christi walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek since neither of them had seen him in two weeks since he had been away on a business trip.

Christi and Chloe sat down on the couch next to him. He had Clara in his lap. The four of them talked as a fmaily for about an hour and then it was time for Chloe to get ready for bed. She walked up the stairs and turned on the shower waiting for the water to get warm. When she decided the water was warm enough she slipped into the shower and started to wash her hair. While she was washing her hair she thought about the events that happened the night with Nick again. 

Tears started to slip down her cheeks as she replayed his last words in her mind. "You've waited too long, I've moved on."  Chloe picked up her razor and started to shave her legs and under her arms quickly before sitting the razor down. She looked down at it and then glanced at her wrist. Without thinking Chloe picked up the razor again not knowing what she was doing. She just felt that she needed a way to escape from the world for now and that this would be the easiest way. 

Chloe pressed the razor to the skin on her wrist and slowly dragged the blade against her skin. She watched as a slow trickle of blood slipped down her forearm mixing with the water. Chloe repeated this action four more times before she was finally satisfied with herself and the damage she had done to her body. 

Chloe stepped out of the shower and put some bandages on her wrist before slipping on a hoodie and sweatpants. She walked over to the staircase and called down to Christi and Marc that she was going to bed. 

 Chloe walked back to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She climbed into her bed and tried to fall asleep but Nick's words kept repeating themselves in her mind. 

Chloe laid in her bed for about an hour, crying herself to sleep. She finally fell asleep after thinking that she just wasn't good enough anymore. She wasn't a good enough dancer, friend, daughter, sister...or anything. She just wasn't good enough for herself anymore.

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