Chapter 11

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Abby was shocked when she saw Chloe walk through the doors of The Abby Lee Dance Company. "Hi Miss Abby." Chloe said.

"Chloe, nice to see you here. What can I do for you?" Abby asked. She was curious of why Chloe was back in her studio when she had told her to leave.

"Well, I was kind of wondering if you would let me back on the competition team." Chloe stated. 

"No, not going to happen. If you can't focus enough to run your dances, then no. I want responsible, hard working dancers at my studio. Not mediocre." Abby said. She knew she was being harsh on Chloe but that's only because she saw potential in Chloe to make it in the dance world. If Chloe truly wanted back on the team, she would beg for it.

"Please, Miss Abby. Can you at least let me audition again? Or take classes?" Chloe pleaded. Abby looked straight into Chloe's eyes from where she was sitting behind the front desk and saw the Chloe really did have a passion for dance. She made her decision right then and there. "Meet me in Studio A in two minutes." Abby said. Chloe nodded and pulled the door to the dancers den open and walked in. When she walked inside the dancers den Chloe felt like she was finally home. This was where she belonged. 

Chloe texted her mom and told her Abby was taking her into the studio for something and that she would be awhile and then slipped on her dance shoes. She was about to pull open the door to studio A when she remembered something. Chloe walked back over to her dance bag and reached into the side pocket. She pulled out the necklace Nick had given her at prom at the end of the last dance season. 

Chloe clipped the chains of the necklace together and then pulled her hair up. She hadn't worn the necklace since all the drama with Andrea started and Chloe had to admit that she loved this necklace. It meant a lot to her not just because Nick gave it to her but because of the message the necklace gives off with the words written on it.

Chloe looked in the mirror in the dancers den one last time before taking a deep breath and walking into studio A.

When Chloe walked into Studio A the first thing she saw was Miss Abby standing in the middle of the room. She motioned for Chloe to come closer. Chloe walked over to Abby and stood in front of her, looking up at her.

"Now since you left the studio for almost a month, let’s see if your technique is where it was before you left. Show me a turn sequence." Abby instructed.

"Which one?" Chloe asked.

"Any. Choose your favorite." Abby answered, looking at the blonde, waiting for her to begin.

Chloe started her turns and to Abby's surprise her turns were pretty close to being flawless. It was almost as if Chloe never left the studio. 

After she finished the turns, Chloe waited for Abby to start correcting her. Instead Abby said, "Chloe, you really want to dance, don't you?" Chloe nodded. "More than anything." She also added to her head nod.

"Chloe, you have this an amazing talent and passion for dance, and anyone can see that. What happened that week that made it so hard to focus?" Abby asked.

"It was just pointless drama, but now it's over." Chloe said, adding the last part on quickly. Abby nodded in response.

"Well, I would be stupid if I didn't so you're back on the team." Abby said. Chloe smiled and walked over giving Abby a big hug, Abby returned the hug and then pulled away. "Now rehearsal starts in half an hour the other girls will be here soon. I don't want you to come into pyramid until I call for you, okay? I want to surprise the other girls. Chloe nodded. "Thank you so much Miss Abby."

Abby nodded. "I'm not going to let pure talent walk out of my studio like that. Chloe, you were born to dance. You can make it in the dance world if you truly give it all your heart and out as much effort as possible into your dancing." She finished.

Chloe smiled. "I'll be back for rehearsal, I just have to go tell me mom." 

"Just don't let the other girls see you." Abby said, quickly as Chloe walked out into the dancer den, starting to text her mom the good news.

Christi came running in a few minutes later and gave Chloe a big hug. "I'm so  proud of you!" She said, hugging Chloe tightly.

"I happy she let me back on the team." Chloe said. "Now she doesn't want the other girls to see us yet or the moms."

Christi nodded and the two of them hid in Abby's office until all the girls and moms were lined up for pyramid.

After everyone was in for pyramid Abby walked in. The moms were lined up to the side and the girls and Nick were lined up in front of the mirror facing Abby. While Abby was going over last week's results Christi and Chloe stood outside the door waiting for Abby's signal.

"Now girls, moms, Nick. I have a surprise for all of you." Abby started. All the girls instantly got excited.

"Ladies." Abby said, waving at the door, leaving everyone in the room confused. Christi pushed open the door and Chloe walked in, Christi following Chloe. All the girls started screaming, Nick almost fell over and all the moms were cheering. All the girls and Nick ran over and hugged Chloe, while the moms hugged Christi and welcomed her back.

"Now girls." Abby said, getting all of their attention again. "Chloe is back so we have the original team again." 

All the girls had smiles on their faces, while Nick and Chloe stared at one another. Nick stood behind Chloe waiting for Abby to explain the week ahead of all of them.

"This week we will be going to Nationals. I am cutting the season short this year because I have a few special tings planned after this weekend. Now we will be traveling to Miami, Florida for nationals at Starpower. This week we will have one group, one duet and one solo." 

The girls all wondered who was going to be getting the solo and duet. Chloe started second-guessing herself, since it was her first week back and it was nationals. 

"Now the group is called, "Bringing Chloe Home" it is an emotional number, Chloe you will be featured in the group and everyone is in it, including you Nick. Next the duet is between Nick and...Chloe. We never did get to see that last duet you two had together so this one is called, "Hello, Good Morning Beautiful" it is a lyrical number and two will need to have perfect chemistry and be in sync at all times. Lastly the solo, Chloe you will be doing the solo it is a contemporary number and is called, "What Happened to Goodbye?" Abby finished. "Chloe I know this is a lot of pressure on you, but I believe in you and after what I saw earlier today, it looks as if you will be completely fine."

Chloe nodded. Abby dismissed the moms and all the girls and Nick had a big group hug. "I knew you could do it." Nick whispered in her ear after everyone pulled away. Chloe looked up and smiled at him. "It feels good to be home." She said. Nick wrapped his arms around her shoulder and the two of them walked to the back of Studio A to stretch with the rest of the girls.

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