Chapter 16

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Nick woke up a couple hours later and saw that they were still on the bus. He sighed to himself and looked down at Chloe who was still asleep on his shoulder.  He smiled to himself and decided to pull out his iPhone. Nick scrolled through twitter and instagram quickly before putting his phone back away after seeing nothing intresting. 

Nick looked out the window seeing a large building come into view with a lot of buses and people walkign around outside of it. He smiled wider as he guessed that was where the competition was being held. He looked down and looked at Chloe's sleeping form on his shoulder. Nick really didn't want to wake her, but he knew he had to. 

Nick gently shook Chloe awake and she responded by sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Good afternoon sleeping beauty." He said, laughing a little bit at how cute she looked still being a little dazed from her sleep. 

"Shut up." Chloe responded, playfully punching him on the arm. 

Nick and Chloe listened to Abby's speech about behavior and manners before following everyone off of the bus. They grabbed their suitcases and walked into the competition finding the room they would be in to get ready before performing. 

Chloe's solo was first and she didn't have much time. Brooke and Kelly started working on her hair putting it up in a french twist on the top of her head while Chloe worked on her makeup. Finally her hair and makeup was done and it was time for her to put on her costume. 

Chloe hadn't been able to try her costume on or even see what it looked like until now when she put it on. Chloe walked out from behind the changing curtain in her costume and everyone smiled when they saw her except for Nick. He was looking at Chloe with worry written all over his face something didn't seem right to him, but he shrugged it off. 

Chloe walked over to Abby and let her look over the costume. It was absolutely gorgeous and it fit Chloe perfectly. 

"Chloe? Can you run your dance right here?" Abby asked her grabbing her attention from where she was talking to Paige. Chloe nodded and walked over to stand in the center of the open space to begin her routine. 

She started to run her dance everyone watching her. Abby was looking for any mistakes she made, but she hadn't made any comments so far. Chloe was really knocking this solo out of the park. This was nationals though, so the pressure was on especially since she was the only one with a solo. 

Chloe was doing a big turn sequence and her turns looked great until she started to bobble slightly. Nick looked at her concerned. That was when his worst fear happened. Chloe never finished her turn sequence or solo. Instead halfway through the turn sequence she fell to the floor completely unconscious much like the night Nick and Christi discovered that Chloe had a brain tumor in the first place. 

(Sorry it's so short! Next chapter will be WAY longer!)

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