Chapter 18

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Nick stared at the doctor in silence as tears streamed down Christi's face. 

"I'll leave you alone with your thoughts. I will be back to check up on her later with the nurse." The doctor spoke softly sadness for the mother deep in his voice. It was always hard to see kids in here with these kinds of things. They were so innocent, and sweet, and didn't deserve half of what fate had in the cards for them. 

Quietly the doctor opened the door, and then closed it behind him as he left the now dark hospital room with what felt like the weight of one thousand pounds in it. 

Slowly Christi, and Nick turned to look at Chloe who was still sound asleep. Her chest was rising, and falling gracefully with each breath she inhaled before exhaling just as quick. The two remained silent lost in their own thoughts of how worried they were. Nick was for sure now he felt more than friendship towards Chloe. He had almost lost her the first time, and now he faced losing her again this time. 

Christi on the other hand now not only had her mother in the hospital to worry about in another state, but now her daughter. Both of them needed her, but she could only be with one or the other, and right now as much as she loved her mother Chloe needed her more at the moment. 

"I'm going to get some air, and see if the doctor's will tell me anything." Christi spoke, her words cutting through the heavy atmosphere like a knife. Nick nodded as he broke his eyes away from Chloe briefly before placing them right back on her. He was afraid that if he didn't look at her for too long she would vanish before his eyes, and never come back. 

Walking over to the Christi pushed it open before turning to look back at the two. Sensing Nick was clearly upset over the whole situation just as much as she was, and maybe even more if that was possible she walked over, and placed a hand on his shoulder. This action caused the young male to look up at the older woman who Chloe resembled so much. 

"She will be okay, Nick. She's a fighter, and I know for certain she will not leave you, me, or the girls." She spoke sweetly as her eyes filled with tears once again before she took her hand away from the boy's shoulder, and walked across the room. She gave one last look at her sleeping daughter's form before exiting the room leaving Nick alone with Chloe, and his thoughts. 

After a few moments Nick stood up from the chair, and walked over to stand beside the bed. He peered down at the gorgeous blonde he loved dearly below him. Shakily he grabbed one of her hands with his own, and shivered at how cold she felt. Slowly he ran his thumb back, and forth over the back of it. 

Nick then leaned down, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Please wake up Chlo. I need you here with me. I need to know that you are okay, so please wake up." He whispered into her ear before kissing her temple. Not letting go of her hand he then stood up to his normal height. He stood there for a few beats thinking that at any moment she would open her eyes, and everything would be fine. The two would go back to the dance competiion, and they would win first in the group, and their duet, and Chloe would win with her solo. He knew though that it wasn't that easy after going through this before. 

Sighing he was about to let go of her hand, and walk out to get some air himself when he felt a slight grip squeeze his hand. "Chlo?" He questioned wondering if she was finally waking up. 

Soon enough as he looked at the peaceful feautures of her face he saw her eyelids start to flutter, and looks of pain cross her face before she finally opened her eyes. The brown orbs searching frantically for something, or someone. 

"Chloe." Nick said causing her to look up at him, and the frantic glances stopped instantly. 

"Nick." She spoke softly her already quiet voice breaking at the end. "Ow!" She then said as she reached to grab, and hold her forehead almost exactly where she had face planted when she had dropped out of her turn sequence. 

The pain must not have lasted long though because a moment later Chloe was frantically apologizing to him. "I'm so sorry! You worked so hard on the duet, and group with me and now-" Nick cut her off by shaking his head, and gently placing his hand over her mouth. 

"Stop Chloe. You have nothing to be sorry for. None of this happening is your fault." He told her strictly refusing to let her blame herself for all of this. 

"But we worked so hard this week, and now because of me everything is ruined. The girls probably hate me for ruining the group, and Abby will probably never let me dance with the team again." Chloe said paniced as tears welled up in her eyes before starting to make their way down her cheeks. 

"Shh. Chloe, everything is fine. The girls don't hate you, Abby doesn't hate you, I don't hate you. We all just want you to get better." Nick told her sweetly as as brushed her bangs back. "We need our Chlobird." He said trying to lighten the mood which caused her to smile before hearing the door open. The couple turned their heads in the direction of the door, and watched as Christi walked in through the door. 

"Well look who's awake. It's my beautiful blonde daughter." Christi smiled happy to see Chloe awake. "Hi Mommabird." Chloe said as smiled at her mom. 

Christi smiled trying to be strong for her little girl, and for Nick who was once again holding on to Chloe's hand. "How are you feeling?" She asked the smaller blonde as she moved to stand next to the bed. 

"My head is absolutely killing me, and I'm kind of cold." Chloe answered as she moved to grip her head with the hand that was not being held by Nick. Christi nodded, and moved to walk back over to the door. "I will go get the doctor, and see what we can do." She said before opening the door, and starting to walk out. 

What happened next made time slow down for the second time that day. Slowly Nick felt Chloe's grip on his hand lessening, and slowly her eyes started to flutter towards the back of her head before rolling completely to the back of her head. All at once her body started to shake rapidly as her heart monitor started to ring loudly. Her pulse was dropping rapidly. 

Before the door closed all the way Nick was yelling for Christi who had started to make her way down the hall to the nurse's station. 

"Christi! We need help in here!" He yelled as loudly as he could over the screaming of the heart monitor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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