[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 8 - A Day Out

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(Amber Helstea POV) 

I headed to breakfast to see that everyone except Arthur, Sylvie and Uncle Rey there. "Good morning," I greeted. I was really looking to today. I was going to take Arthur, Airies and Sylvie to look around Xyrus City.

I guess I had a big stupid grin on my face because mother asked me why I looked so happy, "What's got you so happy. You don't usually like the mornings, so this is a surprise."

"Oh, I'm just happy that you let me go adventuring," I couldn't tell them that it was because I was going to be with Arthur all day, they'll start teasing me and never let he hear the end of it. After a while, Airies turned towards the door and let out a "Kaa". At the same time, the door opened and in came Arthur, Sylvie and Uncle Rey. Airies quickly flew over to sit on Arthur's shoulder to talk with Sylvie, who was on his head.

"Good morning," they greeted. Arthur came and sat next to me with Sylvie. "So, what plans do you all have," he asked.

"Oh, we were going to go to someone's house to pay them a visit." mother said with a big smile. I guess she was really thankful to Arthur for helping to train Lilia to awaken. "Do you want to come with us."

"No thanks. I already had plans to go around the city and explore for a bit." It's a good thing that he didn't explicitly say that we were going together, or it would have been suspicious.

"Are you sure you'll be ok, honey," Aunt Alice said in a worried voice.

"Oh, I could show you around if you want," I followed up nonchalantly. "I don't have any plans today as well, so it would be nice to go outside and get some fresh air."

"I'd like that. Thank you," he said with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Amber." Aunt Alice said with a grateful smile.

After we ate, me and Arthur went to our rooms to get changed. I met him outside in front of the manor. He was wearing a simple dark blue shirt with black pants. I on the other hand was wearing a simple black one-piece dress with some golden flowers imprinted on it. The black contrasted with my silver hair whilst the golden flowers complimented my honey tinted yellow eyes, which gave of a pleasant effect. I had also put on some lavender perfume.

"Who are you trying to impress?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone who actually treats their wife right." I retorted.

"Ouch! I'm only joking. You look beautiful, as always." He said giving his hand to me. I took it and gave him a bright smile.

"Thanks." Sylvie jumped into my hands from on top of Arthur's head.

"(Kuu) Mama, you look nice. And you smell nice too." she said while snuggling close to me.

"Aww, thank you Sylvie. At least you can complement someone better than your papa," I said whilst giving Arthur a smirk. Airies flew to his shoulder and tried to console him.

"(Kaa) Don't worry papa, I think your complements just fine." he said.

"Thank you Airies, at least I have you on my side." I said giving him a pat. After that we got on a carriage and headed for the heart of Xyrus.

"So, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"You're my guide aren't you. Lead the way." He responded.

"Hmm... Ok, how about the theatre. There's supposed to be a really popular play on today."

"Sounds good," he said with a smile. As we were walking, Sylvie and Airies played a game of cat and mouse, running around us. I could feel their excitement leaking into me through our bonds. I wanted to ask Arthur something that was on my mind to a while.

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