[Rewrite In Progress] Chapter 17 - An Unexpected Encounter

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(Sorry for late upload. Just forgot it was Sunday😅)

(Amber Helstea POV)

I was currently walking with mother, Lili, Aunt Alice and Eleanor. Airies was perched on my shoulder. We were out shopping, and I decided to use this opportunity to get Arthur a birthday present. His birthday was in a couple of days' time, and I wanted to get him something meaningful. I know he has no care for material goods. I found that out very well the first time I got a present for him, so I'm thinking of getting him something more practical.

I turned to face everyone, "So what are you guys going to get Arthur for his birthday?". It would be best if they got him something that would be useful for our adventure.

I myself was planning to get him a necklace with our initials engraved on it. If it had our names and someone found out then the situation will be... less than ideal to say the least. I still hadn't gotten him the necklace yet, mostly due to not having time to go out. But now I had the perfect opportunity to buy one.

I contemplated whether to get him a necklace or a bracelet, but ended up settling on buying a necklace as the bracelet would become too small for him in the future.

"Hmm... I'm not quite sure yet. Your father left the present buying to me but I don't know what to get him," mother said, putting a finger on her cheek in a thinking position. "What do you think Alice?"

"Hmm... I suppose it doesn't really matter what you get. Arthur never really cares for presents. Getting anything for him will make him happy." It seemed like Aunt Alice knew her son pretty well, considering he's been away for half his life. "We're just going to give him a fingerless glove that will have some healing crystals on it. Nothing too grand, but it will help him on his adventure."

I used this opportunity to guide the conversation to getting something useful for Arthur. "Why don't we do the same thing mum. We could also get something for him that could help him on his adventure."

"Ooh, ooh. I have great idea," Lilia chimed in. "Back at the auction house I saw something that caught my interest. I bet it would be really useful for him on his adventure."

"That's a great idea, Lilia, Amber," mother praised. "I guess we should head over the auction house then." As they started to make their way to the auction house, I stopped them.

"I'm going to stay around here for bit. I've been meaning to look for something for ages now." I told them. I wanted to have the necklace custom made, so there was no point in me going with them.

I was sure mother would let me stay. Xyrus City is safe – unless if it's in a secluded alleyway where no one can see you. The people here were mostly the wealthier population of Sapin and adventures, so if anything were to happen, it would be dealt with fairly soon.

"Sure! Just be back by dinner time." They walked off to the Auction House after giving me consent. I started to wonder around looking for any jewellery stores. The streets were busy with people shopping or sightseeing. There were many stalls littered all around the streets, but I wasn't interested in any of those. Since I wanted something custom made, I would have to find an actual store where they have good quality items and custom orders. I'm sure you couldn't place a custom order in the stalls, so there was no point going to them.

I went in and out of a couple of stores, but the quality of the items there were subpar at best. Their craftsmanship was crude, and the materials used looked like any old trash that could be found on the floor, rough and dull. Was this really the best Xyrus had to offer? How Disappointing!

I continued my search for the next hour to no avail. Just as I was about to turn around to start heading back to the house, I heard a girlish scream coming from one of the alleyways I had previously mentioned. Enhancing my ears and body with mana; I silently went towards to where the scream came from. Muffled noises reached my ears along with two masculine voices; whispering in annoyed voices. Sounds of what I assumed to be a body trashing on the ground became for violent and aggressive, and barrels could be heard falling down and breaking.

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