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On a bustling street corner in Tokyo-3, Japan, Shinji stood with a sense of anticipation, waiting for someone to pick him up and escort him to a long-awaited meeting with his father. Over a decade had passed since their last interaction, and all he had received was a cryptic note: "I need you, come." Mixed emotions swirled within him, uncertainty blending with hope.

The city exuded an unusual calmness, and as the sun cast gentle rays across the urban landscape, birds soared gracefully above the towering buildings. In this moment of relative tranquility, Shinji's gaze shifted to a photograph he withdrew from his pocket. It depicted a captivating girl, radiating an air of both beauty and cheekiness. The picture bore a provocative quality, with a suggestive note directing attention to certain features. The question of whether she understood the age of the person viewing the image wandered on his thoughts.

"Uhm?" His reverie was interrupted as his attention was drawn down the road. A figure stood at the far end, her blue hair and apparent school uniform setting her apart. Their eyes met briefly, but a flock of birds passed in front of him, wich made him look away and by the time that Shinji could look again, she had vanished, leaving only an enigmatic impression.

"Who was she?" Shinji was pulled out of his thoughts by a strong sound that came out of the floor.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound reverberated from the ground beneath him. The earth trembled beneath his feet, and a visceral fear gripped him as the world seemed to convulse. Without delay, he tucked the photograph away, looking skyward to witness strange aircraft maneuvering above the cityscape. But a colossal form materialized before his eyes, its gargantuan presence defying his comprehension.

"What in the world..." Shinji's voice trembled as he struggled to make sense of the humanoid monstrosity that emerged from the structures around him. The unidentified aircraft attacked the colossal entity, their weapons firing relentlessly, though it became evident that their efforts were in vain.

Overwhelmed by the chaotic spectacle, Shinji's initial instinct was to flee. However, as he took two steps, an explosion brought a utility pole crashing to the ground, paralyzing him in his tracks. As the world around him spiraled into disarray, panic surged within him. He willed his legs to move, but the fear was paralyzing. An additional explosion thrust him to the ground, a close encounter with a vehicle narrowly avoided as its tires skidded inches away.

"Get in!" A female voice broke through the chaos, and Shinji swiftly obeyed, diving into the passenger seat of the car as it sped away, narrowly avoiding debris and destruction.

Amidst the chaos, Misato Katsuragi—revealed as the woman from the provocative photograph—grasped the wheel, navigating their escape route with practiced precision. Moments of tension and silence followed before a conversation was initiated.

"Sorry for the delay!" Misato exclaimed, her voice blending relief and determination as they put distance between themselves and the cataclysmic scene.

"It's okay, I guess," Shinji responded cautiously, seizing the opportunity to address the baffling phenomenon. "But seriously, what the hell was that?!"

"Oh, that was an angel," Misato stated nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. "And you can just call me Misato." The information landed with much impact on Shinji's overwhelmed senses. As they continued their journey, the car eventually came to a halt, allowing Misato to peer through binoculars toward the mountains where the angel rised.

However, the atmosphere shifted suddenly, Misato's expression transforming into one of alarm.

"Wait... Are they're using an N2 mine?!" She exclaimed urgently, then forcefully pulled Shinji down, enveloping him in a protective embrace. An enormous explosion erupted from the mountains, a shining dome rose as the shockwave reached their position and launched the car away.

Regaining consciousness, Shinji found himself grappling with piercing, high-pitched tones in his ears and blurred vision. Misato's voice sliced through the haze, accompanied by the sensation of her shaking him urgently. The impact of the accident had left her with blood on her face, a testament to her injuries.

"I'm... I'm fine, I think," Shinji responded weakly, still dazed from the trauma.

"Fucking hell, I was getting worried," Misato breathed out, her voice a mixture of relief and exasperation.

Together, they crawled as they exited the damaged vehicle and, working in team, managed to reposition it. Surprisingly, the car roared to life once more.


Minutes later, they found themselves within the secure confines of the NERV facility's corridors. Shinji's anticipation grew as he realized he was about to reunite with his father after all these years. Yet, despite this, their path seemed labyrinthine, causing Shinji to voice his suspicion

"Misato, are we lost?" he inquired with a touch of exasperation..

Misato let out a sheepish laugh, her demeanor playfully admitting the fact. "Heh, just give me a moment to settle myself."

Ultimately, they reached an elevator after Misato's recalibration efforts. The ascent commenced, marked only by the subtle click of the floor indicator changing at each level. As the doors slid open, a man stood in the entrance—a man Shinji recognized all too well. It was his father.

"Father?" Shinji addressed him, but Gendo met his gaze with an emotionless demeanor before entering the elevator. The disappointment was palpable, and Shinji shifted his gaze away in disdain.

"You're late, Colonel Katsuragi," Gendo's voice held an edge, his eyes never meeting Shinji's. "I'm sorry commander! we have a lot of troubles on our way!" "Sorry, Commander. We encountered some obstacles on our way," Misato responded, bowing respectfully, her awareness of Shinji's discomfort evident. As the elevator continued its ascent, Gendo disembarked after a couple of floors. The remaining journey was marked by silence until Misato broke it, turning her attention to Shinji.

"It seems you and your father don't have the best relationship," she observed, offering him a reassuring smile.

"No..." Shinji's response was laden with complexity, a mix of emotions that defied easy articulation. 

"Well, I guess that makes us two!" Misato confessed, her smile warm and understanding. The unexpected camaraderie piqued Shinji's curiosity "she didn't get along with her's either?", 

The elevator doors opened again, revealing a woman with blonde hair, clad in a scientist's robe. Her irritation was palpable as she greeted Misato, chastising her for the delay. Misato responded with a mix of apology and defensiveness, noting their ultimate success in reaching the facility." With the approach of the angel toward the city, urgency eclipsed all else. Misato and Ritsuko engaged in a tense exchange, during which Ritsuko conveyed the urgency of the situation. Shinji's presence drew her attention, and she looked at him curiously. 

"You must be Shinji I suppose" Shinji nooded to the statement and the three of them stepped out of the elevator.

As Ritsuko guided Shinji away, his thoughts raced. The futuristic technology he'd witnessed along their journey was unlike anything he'd encountered, yet his feelings of trepidation lingered.

As Ritsuko guided Shinji away, his thoughts raced. The futuristic technology he'd witnessed along their journey was unlike anything he'd encountered, yet his feelings of trepidation lingered.

Misato's warmth remained with him as he traversed the dark corridor, and as they entered a long, shadowy bridge, the mysterious woman took out a remote control. With a press of a button, the bridge's lights illuminated, revealing an awe-inspiring sight.

"Welcome to humanity's greatest weapon, its last hope," Ritsuko declared, her words heavy.

With the lights piercing the darkness, a colossal figure loomed before them.

"The culmination of human achievement—the battle unit," Ritsuko stated matter-of-factly, activating the bridge's illumination fully.


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