Paths crossed

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"Alright, kid, start running. Remember, no food, no water, or you'll do it again!" Shinji found himself at the base of a mountain, questioning how he had ended up in this situation. After Ramiel's attack, the Marine's captain had offered to train him. At first, Shinji had been wary and uncertain, but Misato assured him that everything would be fine, so he decided to trust her. Little did he know, he was in for quite the challenge.

In the woods, Shinji faced the arduous task of scaling a considerable mountain, 1.5 kilometers high. His objective: navigate obstacles, avoid perilous cliffs, all while abstaining from food and water from his backpack.

"Alright, let's get through this," Shinji muttered to himself, setting off on his uphill jog.

"Hey there, how's he holding up?" Misato emerged from the trees, brushing a branch aside.

"Hello, Colonel. See for yourself," the captain replied, handing Misato a clipboard detailing Shinji's current routine. It displayed the number of repetitions for each exercise and how far Shinji had progressed.

"Well, that's progress. Fifty-five out of a hundred push-ups, sixty squats, and a full hundred sit-ups." Misato was impressed by the boy's advancement. "He's doing well. Yesterday, I taught him some MMA techniques for self-defense. His experience as an Eva pilot seems to have given him a solid foundation. At this rate, I think he'll manage to complete the month of training." The captain reclaimed the clipboard and noted down more scores. "That's good to hear. With the physique he's building, he'll likely become the heartthrob of the girls' center!" They shared a chuckle at the thought. The captain turned his gaze back to the mountain, but Shinji was no longer in sight.

"Today, we're heading to the 'Over the Rainbow,' an aircraft carrier. Would you like to come along, or would you prefer to stay at the barracks?" Misato inquired.

"While I do enjoy spending time with my men, the barracks is perhaps the dullest place on Earth. So, I'll opt to join you," the captain replied. Misato nodded with a smile. They seemed to be forming a bond, and Misato was discovering the captain's positive qualities.

"Great! I'll talk to Shinji once he gets back." Misato turned her gaze back to the mountain, waiting for Shinji's return. After about fifteen minutes, they spotted him descending from the hill.

"Alright!" Shinji's breath was labored, and he doubled over, hands on his knees. "I'm done!" He straightened up with some effort.

"Not quite," the captain interjected, relieving Shinji of his backpack. "You haven't eaten anything, have you?" The captain eyed Shinji suspiciously before opening the backpack. "No, sir," Shinji replied.

The captain examined the contents and found them surprisingly intact. Satisfied, he allowed Shinji to eat one of the bread rolls and consume the smaller water bottle.

"I'd offer a hug for comfort, but you're all sweaty," Misato quipped. Shinji barely registered her comment; his focus was solely on devouring the much-needed sustenance. The bread quickly vanished into his mouth, and he drained the water bottle in mere seconds.

"Alright, Shinji, go tend to your wounds, take a shower. The captain will accompany us to the aircraft carrier, so get yourself ready." Misato held Shinji's backpack as he headed toward the base, eager for a refreshing shower.

"Things are looking up," he mused, a smile forming as the cold water rinsed away his fatigue.

"Ready, Shinji?" Misato's voice called out from outside the bathroom.

"Almost!" Shinji emerged from the bathtub, wrapping a towel around himself before preparing to change.

"Shinji, remember to put on something nice. You'll be meeting the second pilot there. I'm sure you want to make a good impression!" Misato's playful voice resonated through the corridor. Shinji felt his cheeks warm at the thought of meeting the enigmatic second pilot.

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