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Narrator pov:
It was a warm summer night, a few years after battle known as heaven and earth.

Little Nagi was sleeping in crib soundly asleep, Nagi being the baby boy of Eren and Mikasa.

They lived in a cabin in the woods, away from civilization. But not to far for Mikasa to head into town. And only she can head into town as Eren is pronounced dead. And unfortunately she can't bring her son with her as it will raise red flags. As Nagi is a spitting image of Eren when he was a baby with the only thing different being his eyes.

Eren didn't want to live he wanted to die so he could bring peace to the world but at the same time he wanted to be with everyone and with last minute thinking Armin came up with a plan and by the grace of luck it worked.

And now Mikasa sleeps soundly in bed with her beloved. But as she rolled over to snuggle into his chest. She felt nothing, she slowly opened her eyes to see Eren sitting up looking out the window.

Mikasa sat up with a worried look,Eren heard the ruffle of the bed sheets, he turned to see Mikasa crawling towards him and sat beside him.

Mikasa noticed quite fast of how Eren had trouble sleeping, but how could he sleep peacefully after what he did, it's a burden he's going to have to carry for the rest of his life.

"Cant sleep again Eren?" She whispered.

"Y-yea....sorry for waking you up."

"No need to apologize." Mikasa said as she leaned her head on Eren shoulder.

"Are you feeling okay Eren?"

"Yea, just nervous."

"Nervous about what?"

"About you and Nagi?"

"Why's that?"

"Been having nightmares about everyone finding out I'm alive and bad things happen right after that."

As Eren exhaled.

Mikasa slowly held erens hand.

"There's nothing to be worried about Eren, nobody has ever passed by our home and besides we have that secret room that Armin suggested. And for Nagi I'll just say he's your kid without any further explanation and if they were to touch him....they'd already be dead."

Eren huffed In a humored way.

Mikasa began to express herself more, she wasn't the silent type anymore, she was more open and Eren loved that, Eren promised her he'd be by her side. And anytime she talked, he would gladly listen.

And after having Nagi, she was a lot happier and she got more clingy which is something Eren also didn't mind.

Mikasa and Eren sat there in silence but soon Mikasa slowly pulled down Eren to his pillow and sinking her face into his chest.

Eren smiled and hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

Since they're awake, Eren knew it was time to tell Mikasa the truth, something that could've effected everything.



"Remember that day, where we all drank and got drunk?, had a very fun night and forgot about our worries and the day where I asked you that question."

"Of course I's something I think about a lot."

"And thinking about a different outcome if you chose a different answer."


"Well I think now is a good time to say it, Mikasa on that day, if you were to tell me on how you actually felt about me, I would've dropped everything and ran away with you."

"And I don't mean running away just to have some time to ourselves, I mean dropping all my responsibilities and disappearing and living the rest of my four years with you."

Mikasa slowly raised up from his chest and looked at him. With a surprised look.

Mikasa lowered herself and lightly gripped onto his shirt.


"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because....I....just knew you were suffering at the time.....and you just wanted a reason to stop....but I was just so nervous and choked up on my words I gave you an answer you....didn't want to hear."

Eren chuckled, he began to rub Mikasa head.

"But it somewhat worked out in the end, I got a second chance and I get to live a full life, spend it with you and i got to have a kid of my own."

Mikasa raised herself and kissed him

"I genuinely love you Mikasa, it really pained me when I said I hated you, and this also embarrassing to say but you're my wife so....when I was in the paths with Armin I told him I wanted to be with you and how i didn't want to die and I wanted you to only think about me along with....not liking the thought of you being with another man...." Eren said blushing.

Mikasa looked at him cupping his face.

"Well I never saw myself with anyone else other than you, if that makes you feel any better."

"Mmm." Eren said still embarrassed.

Mikasa kissed him on the forehead and then his lips.

"Thanks for putting up with me Mikasa especially until now."

Eren then kissed her.

Eren then grabbed the blanket and placed it over both of them.

"You ready to sleep now?" Mikasa asked.

"Yea.....I've calmed down now."

But before they could comfortable a cry came from Nagi room.

"Oh boy." Eren said

"Pretty sure it's your turn."

"I know I know."

Eren got up and walked to Nagi room and picked him up.

"Hey there little man, why so loud." Eren said cradling his son.

Eren then brought his son to the front of their home putting his son under the stars.

"Very peaceful tonight huh?"

"I know you're still a baby, and you won't understand me but I want you to know, that one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember."

"But for now, you have mama and papa." Mikasa added.

"Alright come on, sleep with mama and papa, our bed is way more comfortable." Eren said.

Eren then used his other arm to go underneath Mikasa thighs and picked her up while still cradling Nagi.

"Well haven't you gotten strong."

"When you have a beautiful and strong wife who's been taking care of you for most of your life, it's time to switch it up."

They tucked themselves into bed with Nagi in the middle.

"Good night Nagi." Eren said with Mikasa kissing Nagi on the cheek.

"Goodnight my dear." Eren said.

"Goodnight my beloved...sleep well."

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