A blessing

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It's been a couple years after the battle of heaven and earth, Mikasa spent most of her days alone in a cabin, spending most of her days sitting next to the tree where her beloved rested. Some days she would cry herself to sleep, but she knew Eren was by her with the scarf he wrapped around her. She felt so alone, she just didn't know what to do.

Mikasa was up pretty late,reading a few letters from armin and a few books given to her by armin just to help her. As she turned to the next page she heard something, like a flapping almost going over her cabin and a soft little thud then the crying of a child was heard, she quickly ran to her doorstep and opened the door, using her lantern she saw a small basket, she went towards it, she saw the crying infant with their arms in the air. She looked around frantically, placing the lantern down, she carefully picked it up, cradling the baby in her arms, they suddenly stopped. She picked up the lantern putting it in the basket while holding the baby and going inside.

She didn't know what was going on, this felt like a dream but it wasn't. She didn't know what to do, but she just brought the baby to her bedroom lying it beside her. She gently grabbed the baby hand, she was pretty tired herself so she fell asleep.

Waking up, she sat up quickly really thinking last night was a dream but as she looked over she saw the baby sleeping peacefully.

"So....it wasn't a dream after all." She told herself.

She turned her body picking up the baby from their arm pits,examining them, seeing the small patch of black hair on their head and the soft eyebrows, they looked absolutely beautiful, Mikasa began to bring the baby closer to her. And as she did, the baby eyes began to slowly open. Mikasa eyes widening at the sight of their eyes.

Mikasa heart began to race,beginning to hyperventilate a bit, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, the baby beautiful green eyes with a slight hint of grey within them. Sudden tears began to stream down her face. The baby looked at her smiling a bit reaching for her. She embraced the baby, hugging it with one arm, covering her mouth. The baby rested their head on her shoulder, with one hand clinging onto her pink sweater.

She just didn't know what to think, maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her, she lifted the baby, the baby opening their eyes once again, and proved herself wrong, her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.

"You just...can't be?....right?" She told herself.

The baby just kept reaching out to her, knowing as if Mikasa was their mother. Considering the fact the baby did stop crying at the sudden embrace in her arms from last night. Not knowing what to believe, she went into town, asking around if any children were missing, but everyone denied any reports.

There was only one thing left for her to do, and that was to get a test done, she knew it was gonna take a bit but she just didn't want to jump to conclusions. Armin sent her a letter telling her what to do specifically for the dna test. She sent everything packaged carefully, with a lock of hair from Eren that she had on her white collared shirt that she discovered after the battle of heaven and earth, along with the baby boy hair discovering the gender when changing the baby and a lock of hers, she sent it to armin who would send it to a doctor he recently visited. She had to wait at least three or more weeks before getting the results back,

But amongst those three weeks, she took care of the baby, loving him as if.....it were her own child. She started thinking, if she's wrong, she will continue to take care of the baby, as did eren family, taking care of her after the terrible death of her parents, bringing her in, with Eren mother and father treating her as a daughter. And soon a knock on the door, the mail man tipped their hat.

"Have a good day." He said.

She took a deep breath, sitting at the table, looking over at the child, crawling around, playing with a few dolls that she made herself. She opened the letter, with her heart beating rapidly slowly lifting it up, she read the top making sure it was the letter she wanted. She then read it. Seeing the result.

"Dear Mikasa Ackerman, for the results of this test it has concluded that the father of this baby, his dna matches with that person being Eren Yeager."

She started crying, letting out a few exhales, the letter slowly fell of the table. She got up from the table, waking to the baby, falling onto her knees, crying into her hands. The baby crawled to her, clinging himself onto her skirt. Mikasa picked up the baby hugging him, crying up towards the ceiling. She stroked the back of the baby head. She then went outside, walking over towards the grave stone of her beloved, going on her knees.

"Eren......" she muttered.

She began sobbing again.

"Thank you." She softly said, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

"Eren, what should we name him?" She said gleefully, holding the baby towards his grave stone.

Then a name came across her mind.

"Koji....lets call him koji.....eren."

The baby began to do little laughs, she rubbed her nose against his.

"Just know....i love you so much koji." Gently hugging the baby once more.

"Come on." Cradling her baby.

"Let's go home."

A/n this is gonna be a two parter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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