A walk🌙

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Mikasa pov:
Through the night I was twisting and turning I couldn't sleep for some reason. I tried to get comfortable by trying to get into a certain position but nothing. I could not sleep so I decided I was gonna take a little walk maybe to tire me out a bit. I grab erens scarf that I had neatly folded next to me and wrapped it around me. And I put on my shoes and quietly tipped toed out so I wouldn't wake up any of the other girls. I open the door and closed it shut with ease. I start walking around under the bright stars and with a small gentle breeze. These type of nights brought me back to when I a child when I was living with eren at the time. I remember when I couldn't sleep and neither can he and he's used too hop into my bed and wrap his warm arms around me and his scent always brought me to sleep. I touch my scarf and lift it up to my nose and the aroma goes up my nose bringing a warm feeling inside me. I wonder if he can't sleep either I wonder what he does when he can't sleep I wonder if he can sleep without me being at his all I want to be is be wrapped by his warm arms. I continued my walk with my arms behind my back staring at the stars with only silence filling the air. As I was walking I felt as if something was behind me as if something was following me.Then I heard a voice that was so recognizable to me.
"Hey mikasa is that you?"
"Oh it is you I'm glad I thought I was gonna in trouble."
"It's just me so what are you doing out here?"
"Oh I couldn't sleep so I just came out here to relax or something."
"I knew it you can't go to sleep without me being by your side."
"O-oh it was Nothing."
"Oh alright but let's continue walking and not be near the dorms and wake someone up."
Eren and I started walking side by with our hands being at finger length I just wanted to wrap my hand around his like he did with me when he introduced me to armin for the first time. After a few minutes of walking eren broke the silence.
"Mikasa you know these nights remind me of when we were kids. When we couldn't sleep and I would head to your bed and we would sleep together."
"You remember?"
"Of course why wouldn't I those memories are precious to me since it reminds me of home."
"To be honest.......I miss those kind of nights."
"S-sorry just got caught in the moment I guess."
"No it's okay don't apologize I-I feel the same way." He then looks at me and does something that he doesn't do much often and smiles.
"I'm glad you still think about those nights."
I nodded and smiled.
"Also There is this other thing that I miss."
"And what's that?"
"I Uh I miss...........having you in my arms mikasa."
"Huh." Did I imagine what I think he just said was I dreaming?
"I actually do miss having you in my arms I remember when I fell asleep with you,your fragrance always made me fall asleep and to be honest sometimes I lied saying that I couldn't fall asleep so I can just.....sleep next to you."

"Sorry this is probably bringing back too much memories for you."
"No it's okay."
I take a look at his sleeve and took my hand and tugged on it like what I used to do when we were kids when I wanted him to answer a question.
"Hm w-what's wrong?"
"Is it okay if..............you hold my hand?" As I blushed.
"U-Um s-Sure ." Eren takes his hand and wraps it around my hands.
"Um is that fine?"
"It is Thank you."
His started staring at me with a lustful look.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just....."
"Just what?"
"It's just holding your hand just brings a lot of memories ."
I couldn't say anything.
"I can't do this."
"W-what do you mean."
"I-i don't know lately I've been......feeling different."
"A-are you sick?"
"No its not that lately when I've been around you i feel as if I can't speak to you directly anymore."
"Did I do something?"
"No you didn't do anything its just." Eren stopped and looked up at the moon.
"I don't know mikasa."
"Its okay you'll figure it out besides if you need anyone to talk too I'm always here for you."
Eren pov:
My heart  stopped for a second while taking a quick breath when she said that making me realize Mikasa has always been there for m. Even when I push her away she stays when I yell at her she stays even if I tried to ignore her she'll stay. My hearts been racing when I'm around her why just why? I take a look at mikasa who was just admiring the sky I started breathing heavily a bit the moon light reflecting off her pale skin and he eyes shining under the bright star. I gripped onto her hand a bit harder and started rubbing my thumb against her hand I then muttered the words.
"I love you."
Mikasa then turned her head with widened eyes. My heart was beating wondering if she heard me. Mikasa then pulled me in wrapping her arms around me smelling her fragrance made me grip onto my pants she then comes up to me ear.
"I feel the same way always have always did."
My breath was taken away so this is what it feels Have love in your life. I raised up my hands and shoved her off a bit.
I cupped my hands on her face I stared into beautiful grey eyes. Her soft skin under my touch Her lips that looked so soft from just looking at it I couldn't hold it in anymore I pulled her in she started closing her eyes first as did I. I then felt soft lips against mine mikasa moaned a bit we both separated as she opened her eyes.
"I love you it took me awhile to admit but Mikasa I love you."
"Oh eren."
She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. I kissed back I place my hands against her hips. We both separated to take a breather she places her head against my chest. I smiled and rubbed my hand against her soft silk hair. I started to feel tired.
"Hey mikasa I think we should head back in starting to feel tired and I don't wa-."
Before I finished my sentence I felt mikasa falling slowly.I took a look at mikasa realizing she fell asleep on my chest. I picked her up bridal style and took her to my room since I have a separate room from everyone else. I place her in my bed removing her scarf. I jumped into bed next to her. I give her a kiss on the cheek as she smiled in her sleep she wraps her arms around me and pulls me in I pull in her head against me and we both fall asleep.

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