Chapter 4

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Yajin and Kirishima were standing over the dirty beach of Dagobah and All Might walked up to them as he told them that he needed to tell them something important.

All Might - Now this may come to a surprise but I need you to please keep this a secret. No matter the cost. No one else can know about this.

Both nodded as All Might's body started to release smoke and soon his body deflated. He was now skinny like a skeleton and his smile was gone and his hair was now really messy.

Yajin - What happened to you All Might?

All Might - It happened 5 years ago. I had a major fight and it pretty costed almost all of my entire stomach.

He revealed the scar and they were shocked of the damage that the villain left on All Might.

Kirishima - Jeez. 

All Might - My time is shortened. I can only do hero work for three hours. So this is the most biggest important thing I need to ask you both.

Both listened with full attention as All Might held his arm out.

All Might - I want to offer you my power.

He pointed at Yajin as he was shocked at being offered the power of the most powerful man in the world.

Yajin - Wait. What do you mean by that? Quirks aren't transferable.

All Might - Of course but mine is. My quirk is called One for All. It was a power that was transferred from one as it grows with each transfer and since my time will soon come I want you, Young Hidashi to be the next holder of this great power.

Yajin was in silence and shock. Not knowing what to say. Should he accept the power or should he reject it.

Kirishima - Accept it.

Yajin - What?

Kirishima - Dude. Your getting the biggest offer in your life and you can't think this. It has to be a quick one. Plus I wouldn't want it. If I want to get stronger I need to focus my quirk but you have control on your power so maybe this is a sign to show you how to get even stronger.

Yajin - ....I guess your right. Alright All Might. I accept your offer and I will become your predecessor.

All Might - Alright then. I see your body is already strong so let's make this quick.

He buffed up again with Yajin clenching his fist as All Might took of a piece of his hair and looked at Yajin with a big smile.

All Might - Eat this.

Yajin -....huh?

All Might - To accept my power, you need to inherit some of my DNA it's how it works.

Yajin - I think I have a better idea.

He reached and placed his hand on All Might as both took a breath and All Might saw Yajin starting to glow as he grew a white aura however it started to change colors like a rainbow until he backed away and lifted his arm and created an energy sphere. Everyone was amazing of it.

Kirishima - What is that?

AM/Yajin - ...One for All.

Soon all of the energy went into Yajin and he felt all of the power rush through his body and his aura changed from white to yellow

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Soon all of the energy went into Yajin and he felt all of the power rush through his body and his aura changed from white to yellow.

Yajin - This''s incredible.

All Might - I've never seen something more beautiful than that. Plus you may be the first ever user to ever have that quick of a transfer.

Yajin looked at his hands as he slowly clenched his hand twice as he walked towards the trash as he powered up and his aura turned dark red.

Yajin - Kaioken!

His aura expanded as he moved his arms to his right and he started to charge his energy.

Yajin - Ka...Me...Ha...Me....

He screamed with all of his might as he shot the blast.

Yajin - Ha!!!

A major explosion was caused as Kirishima and All Might grabbed onto the ground to hold themselves from the shockwave as soon the smoke cleared and Yajin was on the ground as he looked at his arms

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A major explosion was caused as Kirishima and All Might grabbed onto the ground to hold themselves from the shockwave as soon the smoke cleared and Yajin was on the ground as he looked at his arms. They were numb but he felt the power of it as he laughed. All Might even noticed that the massive pile of trash were now nothing but dust.

Yajin - Hahaha! Amazing! I never felt power like this. That Kamehameha felt like it was at a times four but I was just using a small boost.

All Might - It seems your power grew immensely with One for All.

Yajin smiled as he turned towards All Might and gave him a small bow with All Might doing the same.

All Might - It seems you still need to hone more of your body if you want to use both of your powers combined now. You said Kaioken was a boost right.

Yajin nodded as he explained to focus on increasing his body's strength as both "One for All" and "Kaioken" need a strong body for both to be able to work.

All Might - Now Young Kirishima. I think this beach is a good start to your training. Young Hidashi and I will help you get your body stronger so both of you could head to U.A.

Kirishima smiled as both started their training for U.A.

(U.A Entrance Exam Countdown: 7 months and 15 days.)

Yajin and Kirishima's training was starting to progress along with their friendship. Now One for All has a new holder and it seems it's not bad.

All Might - You should come and see him Nighteye.

Nighteye - I'll meet him next week. Bring him to my office because I want to test him. Yajin Hidashi...let's see if All Might chose wisely.

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