Chapter 5

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Two days have passed since All Might gave One for All to Yajin. Currently Yajin was training with Kirishima as he started to push body even more.

Yajin - Come on we still have to finish the rest of the beach.

Kirishima was pulling a pile of trash from the back of All Might's truck as All Might smiled seeing both working together to push themselves to get even stronger and achieve their dreams.

Kirishima - Say have you talked with Ochaco?

Yajin -

Kirishima - (sigh) dude.

Yajin - I know. I'll try to explain everything later. Right now we have to focus on your training.

Kirishima wasn't sure but he didn't continued to pry. Quickly going right back to his training as Yajin followed right next to him.

(7 months later)

All Might had parked his truck in the parking lot and he was amazed as he saw Kirishima catching his breath as he had his shirt off and the beach was completely clean.

All Might - Damn Young Kirishima. You did it. With time to spare too!

Kirishima - Thanks All Might. Say when is Yajin coming back?

All Might - I'm not sure. He did say that he was gonna be in the exam so I'm hoping it's earlier but right now you need to go rest and make sure you keep up with your training.

He nodded and grabbed his bag as he walked back home however he noticed someone in a café working.

Kirishima - Ochaco?

Ochaco - Hey Ejiro.

Kirishima - What are you doing here?

Ochaco - I'm working here duh.

Kirishima - Sorry. I just didn't expect you to work as a waitress.

Ochaco smiled as she asked if he wanted a table so they could catch up.

Kirishima - Aren't you gonna get in trouble if you do?

Ochaco - Nah. Tora is a cool gal, plus it's my break.

Both sat down as another waitress took Kirishima's order as both spoke with each other.

Ochaco - It's been two months since we've seen each other.

Kirishima - Yeah. I'm sorry it's just I've been training but have you heard from Yajin?

Ochaco face went a little down as she shook her head and Kirishima was wondering why Yajin was not keeping in contact.

Kirishima - Maybe he'll tell us after the exams.

Ochaco - maybe...

Both kept talking as they ate and laughed. However the thought of Yajin was still on their mind.

(13 days later)

It was the day of the U.A Entrance Exam as Tokoyami, Ochaco and Kirishima were walking towards the doors. However none of them had seen Yajin.

Ochaco - I'm worried even more guys. What if something happened and we didn't know about it.

Kirishima - I doubt that. He would never be taken down that quick without making it obvious that he was fighting.

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