Chapter 7

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Everyone had started to perform their tests as Aizawa didn't show it but he was slightly impressed especially when he saw Yajin perform.

Every little test he did would get a higher score than everyone else however he looked like he wasn't even trying.

Aizawa - Hidashi, you wanna be expelled?

Yajin - Sir?

Aizawa - You're not giving your all on the test.

Yajin - That obvious huh?

Aizawa - I'll let the other test slide since you were already fine but the 50 meter dash and ball throw you better give everything.

Now everyone except three students were shocked to hear that Yajin was holding back.

Yajin return to the 50 meter dash and ran it again at full speed.

Robot - 1.02 seconds.

Mina - What?!

Kaminari - 1 second?!

Aizawa - Ball throw.

Everyone had thrown and it was time for Yajin as he grabbed it and powered up even with One for All. 

Yajin - Focus the energy, manage it, don't let it expand. Focus. Focus. Focus!

Throwing the ball with all the force caused a massive shockwave, pushing everyone away and blasted away the trees nearby.

Yajin felt his arm get slightly numb but he looked at the power he released and was still amazed.

Yajin - Woah. Now this is awesome.

Aizawa couldn't believe the power he just felt and it came from a kid. He looked at the score and it said 9,001.25 meters

Aizawa - Alright then. Now that everyone is done, we have the full results.

He showed the results and Yajin was at first with the rest doing pretty good but Minoru Mineta was the only one that was last.

Aizawa - Also I was lying. No one is going home. I just wanted you all to give your best.

Some of the students were shocked of the realization as one girl with black hair said that she knew.

Aizawa - Alright, grab your stuff and a syllabus. Be sure to remember it because tomorrow it will be much more difficult.

He left as Yajin felt his arm was still numb as he popped it and moved it around.

Tokoyami - Are you okay?

Yajin - Yeah, just put a lot of stress on my arm. But nothing I can't handle.

Kirishima - That was awesome though, how did you manage all of that power.

Yajin - I was currently working on a new technique that helps me explode my power in moments of contact. Called...uh..."Erupt" yeah.

Ochaco - You totally made that up.

Yajin - Pssh...yeah.

They chuckled as they changed to their uniforms and headed home. However Kirishima accidentally bumped into someone when he went back home.

Kirishima - I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

?? - Yeah. I think you need to watch where your going.

Kirishima - I know, please forgive me.

The person chuckled as Kirishima could see it was a girl with black hair and a bit of red highlights. However he smile is what kept his attention.

He slightly blush as she just told him to relax and it was an accident.

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