Chapter 13

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After being checked by the doctors and healed up by Recovery Girl, Yajin could still barely feel the sensation on the power he achieved.

Yajin - (There has to be a way, I can use that again.)

Ochaco - Yajin?

Getting out of his thoughts, Yajin looked to his right and saw Ochaco standing by the door.

Ochaco - It's so good to see you alright.

Yajin smiled as she slowly walked and then in an instant was already hugging him tightly. Getting caught off guard by her hugging him, he blushed and slowly some old instincts were kicking back in as he hugged back for a few seconds and both looked at each other.

Lifting her chin up as he relaxed his body and both started to lean in close.

They could feel their breaths getting closer and their lips were so close to connecting.

Ochaco however stopped as she moved her head to the side to Yajin's slight surprise however he knew that they agreed to put their relationship on hold.

Yajin - S-Sorry. I didn't mean to. N-not that I didn't wanted t-to.

Ochaco - N-No, it's okay. I get it.

They took a few moments of silence and eventually everyone else came through the door to check on their Class Rep and they saw him smiling.

Yajin - How's everyone?

Kirishima - We should be asking you that man. What was that?

Yajin - I don't know. Maybe a new level of power but I never felt it like that before. It's way beyond Kaioken.

He looked at his fist and could still feel the force of that power however he knew that he had to train extra hard so he could reach that level again.

R.G - It's good to see your awake. But I would request you rest, no one want you dying early now.

Yajin smiled as he nodded and got out of bed and changed into his uniform. However he was sure to check on All Might and luckily he wasn't heavily injured but he did have some bruises.

Mirko on the other hand was fine with Aizawa also having his face covered but even Yajin could tell that his teacher was happy to see him well.

Yajin - I'm sorry I couldn't help more.

Aizawa raised his hand and shook his head slowly. As he patted his head in a sign telling him that he did well.

Yajin - Thank you sir. I'll be sure to expect my punishment soon.

Leaving the room as Aizawa just rested and silently chuckled.

Eventually all of the students had to go back home and Yajin took a deep breath when he stepped out of the school. He smiled as he flew back home and he was actually happy that he was able to survive.

But let's leave Yajin alone for a bit and head to Kirishima as he was currently walking with Nia. He explained the situation and she was glad that he came out alright. He smiled telling her that it would take more to take him down.

Nia - Just because you have a strong quirk, doesn't make you indestructible. I worry for you.

Kirishima blushed a little as she hugged his arm and he smiled as both walked towards their destination.

Both made it to a restaurant and had a small lunch date and they were able to spend a lot of time together.

Kirishima actually was able to buy something for Nia as she didn't noticed however he noticed something in her mood.

She received a message and her eyes went a little worried and slightly impatient. Eventually back on their train home, she explained how her dad was taken to a hospital because of an accident.

Kirishima wanted to drop her to the hospital but she decided that it was better for her to be home since her mother would be watching him and she knew that her father was stubborn.

He dropped her off at her home and he held off on the gift as she thanked him for the day and he wished her father that he would recover soon, making her appreciate his kind words.

(The next week)

Hagakure - Hey guys did you see the news yesterday it was pretty cool that we got a few seconds of screen time but I doubt that anyone noticed me in the background.

Ochaco - I mean it's pretty hard to be notice when your just gloves.

Hagakure - I think everyone noticed Hidashi since he was fighting off the bird guy.

Almost everyone looked at Yajin but he seemed to be in deep thought.

Yajin - (Mirko showed me ways to get faster but I can't rely on that new power, I need to hone what I have currently.)

Kirishima - Hey man, you okay?

Yajin - Huh? Oh yeah, it's nothing. I'm just thinking of ways to improve my current abilities.

Sero - Dang, even after you fought someone who is technically on All Might's level.

Yajin - If an enemy of that strength strikes again, then I have to be ready. We all do.

They understood what he meant however before anyone else could speak, Iida came in and told everyone to quiet down however it backfired with everyone sitting down.

Some of the students were wondering who was gonna teach the class however Aizawa walked through the class with his arm in cast and a few bandages on his face.

Aizawa - Morning class.

Most of the students were shocked of the drive to continue working even with injuries.

Yajin - Mr. Aizawa, how are you feeling?

Aizawa - Just my arm and my face but I'm close to fully recovered. But my condition is irrelevant to the matter now. I hope you all are ready because your fight isn't over yet.

Bakugo - Fight?

Mineta - Not more bad guys.

Aizawa - The U.A Sports Festival is coming up.

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