Chapter 11

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"I don't remember much of that dream. But it was still clear."

A figure walked out with hands of smoke but two were different color. A white and red flame as both mixed and a figure walked out but soon it all became black

Yajin stood across the villains with an intense aura of his Kaioken. He looked at Kirishima and Bakugo.

Yajin - Hold him still. Don't let him loose.

Bakugo smiled sinisterly as Todoroki watched the Nomu struggle to move however it started to break the ice.

Shigaraki - Nomu.

Yajin - Todoroki. Stay back and wait for an opening. The chance you get one, use all of your power to cover him. At the coldest you can go.

Todoroki slowly nodded as he saw Yajin jump forward to the Nomu and at fast speed delivered a strong punch but the monster didn't budge. Quickly hitting his head four more time with strong kicks.

Seeing it did no damage he bounced off the chest of the monster, as he powered up more and went on the offensive again

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Seeing it did no damage he bounced off the chest of the monster, as he powered up more and went on the offensive again.

However the next kick, Yajin noticed a small reaction as the Nomu's head slightly moved and Yajin kept going to see any weakness or anything that can help him.

However the next kick, Yajin noticed a small reaction as the Nomu's head slightly moved and Yajin kept going to see any weakness or anything that can help him

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Kirishima - His attacks aren't doing damage but they are slowly making him react.

Bakugo - But for how long?

Yajin - (I've hit him with 40% of One for All and a times two Kaioken. There has to be something I can use to beat this guy.)

Shigaraki - (chuckle) Tough luck kid, you're fighting the ultimate weapon. Nomu here has Shock Absorption and his strength and speed rivals All Might.

Yajin gritted teeth turned into a smirk as he backed off and giant wave of ice covered the Nomu from his toes to his neck.

Yajin - Thanks for telling me. Now I know how to end this. I just have to go even higher than my normal limit.

He got behind Todoroki as his aura increased and his muscles bulged. A small grunt of pain and a cough of blood got the worry of Kirishima but he knew that Yajin would worry about the problem first.

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