Everyone has a darkside

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Ring. Ring. Ring.
That was the signal to the end of class and students piled into the corridors ready to head home.
The pack came out of class talking and waiting for Lydia to get some notebooks from her locker then left the school and headed off towards Dereks warehouse for the pack meeting. They had left Stiles behind.

Stiles was still in the bathroom. He was sat on the floor with his head against the wall. His head was completely clear. After a few minutes he got up and left the bathroom to head to the meeting. He looked around and realised that most people had gone home now. His friends had left him behind.

He walked down the corridor and noticed that the school bullies were still in the school laughing about while leaning on the lockers. He kept his head down and tried to walk past them but they noticed him and crowded around him.

"So Stiles where's your big friend Scott to protect you" one of them snarled cupping Stiles face in his hand and spitting on his shoes.
"Can you just leave me alone" Stiles swiped the bully's hand away and tried to move past them and towards the door.
"Hey you can't talk to us like that" the head bully stood up properly from the locker and came over until he was inches from Stiles face.

Stiles didn't back down and stood tall against the bully showing no cowardice. The bully didn't like this and anger became present in his eyes. He pushed Stiles back yet Stiles said nothing to him. He turned around and began to walk away towards the door but heard the bully behind him.

"Get him" the bully ordered and his two minions ran at Stiles with their fists help up.

Stiles sighed and stopped as the bullies continued to run and him. The first bully swung their fist at Stiles but he dodged it. Stiles grabbed the bullies hand and twisted it around turning and flinging him onto the floor. He then looked at the other who punched him hard in the face making a slight cut on his lip. The bully went to punch him again but Stiles ducked then uppercutted him to the throat knocking him onto the ground in a coughing fit. He stood back up properly and stared down the leader of the bully troupe. This is when the bully noticed. This boy was not some scared little kid who hides behind his friends, he was in fact the strongest of them all. He saw Stiles run towards him and had no time to react. He was flung against the locker and Stiles held him there by the throat.

"I'm sorry" the biggest school bully in school was brought to begging by the least physically gifted kid in the entire school.
"Don't do it again and you better not mention this to anyone" Stiles threatened showing a side of himself that no one had ever seen.
"I won't I promise" the bully held up his hands in defeat and Stiles let him go and turned around then left.
"Don't try this again" Stiles said and turned away walking down the corridor and exiting the building not looking back.
He walked to the car park and got inside of his jeep then drove away heading off to Derek's warehouse.

As the jeep pulled out of the car park and left down the road the girl stepped out from behind the side of the school. She had been watching Stiles all day. She had watched how the pack had treated Stiles despite knowing how he had killed her brother and noticed how they didn't care at all. She had been sat at the back of the classroom when Stiles ran out and watched how his friends barely even battered an eyelash. At first she wanted to get revenge for her brother by killing the kid who had killed him but now she was starting to see a similarity between her and this poor kid. Her plan had begun to change.

At Derek's Warehouse

The pack arrived at Derek's warehouse and walked into it. The walked in to see Derek was sat on his worn out couch reading a tattered old book. He looked up to see them all and put the book down however the first thing he said wasn't about the meeting.

"Where's Stiles?" He asked.
The pack looked around as if surprised to see that Stiles wasn't there.
"I did try to tell them, but they weren't having it" Theo perked up from the back with his arm around Liam's shoulder.
"He did" Liam agreed leaning into Theo's arm.
Derek looked annoyed that after everything that had been going and everything Stiles had just gone through and they had just brushed it off so cavalierly.
"Well he had his jeep so we thought he could make his own way here. I mean he just bolted from class we didn't know where he went" Malia said.
"His car was still in the car park, he must have still been in school" Liam said recollecting seeing his blue jeep as they headed out of school.
"He ran out of class?" Derek asked.
"Yeah he was just reading some passage for class and suddenly just went off and left" Issac huffed.
"And NONE of you went after him" Derek began to get pissed "he has just been through hell and you guys have just shrugged it off as if it's nothing".
Everything went silent. They just looked at each other until they heard a noise come from behind the door of the warehouse.
"Who's there?" Scott said loudly and the figure came out from behind the doors.
Stiles stood there and walked in.
"So has the meeting started yet?" Stiles grinned showing everyone he was fine.
"Stiles....What happened to your face?" Lydia said her mouth hanging open in shock.

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