His darkness opens for the world to see

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"She's dead. What do you mean she's dead" Liam gasped and everyone stopped walking to the door and looked at Stiles stood up with his hands clenched.
"She untied me because she wanted me to fight to let it out and in doing so I killed her" Stiles looked at the pack.
The pack looked at him and realised something. When Arthur had died Stiles was scared and upset shivering at what he had just done but he had just killed some one else and he was in complete control.
No one spoke for a while until Liam being the little gem he was tilts his head and asks a question.
"Let what out".
Stiles looked at Liam.
"Erm" Stiles just hums avoiding an answer.
"Oh oh oh. I know" Theo said scaring everyone "she wanted you to let out your magical snow powers. Let it gooooo. Let it goooo".
Theo got a smack on the head and and a elbow to the chest by Liam.
"What I'm trying to lighten the mood" Theo shrugs getting the idea to shut up so he does.
"Stiles answer Liam's question" Scott asked.
"Not right now" Stiles said pulling down his shirt.
"Stiles just tell us" Malia said getting impatient.
"No. Not right now" Stiles said again.
"Omg grow up Stiles and tell us" Lydia said rolling her eyes.

Stiles looked down to stop himself from what he wanted to do and took a deep breath then looked back up straight at Lydia.
"You know what Lydia..." Stiles walked closer and closer to her until he was a few inches from her face "you are the one that need to GROW UP".
Lydia backed against the wall in shock.
Stiles then looked around and walked straight out the room without looking back.

"What..what just happened" Issac asked.
"I don't know" Scott peered out the room but Stiles had already disappeared from sight.
"Just give him some time he's been through a lot" Noah said and left the room on his way to find Stiles.
"We will see him in school tomorrow. Maybe by then he will have calmed down and stopped acting like a child" Lydia said.
"Lydia just shut up" Derek said from across the room "all your doing is causing problems and being a brat. Just cut it out" Derek uncrossed his arms and left the room looking at Lydia the entire time.

Time skip-next morning
Stiles had gone straight home the night earlier and his dad had barely left his side making sure everything was fine. He felt odd but didn't tell his dad as he didn't want to worry him.

When he did go to sleep he had a weird dream. He was in a dark room with only a mirror. He looked at his own reflection but something was different. His reflection had a large smirk and his eyes were completely black.
He tilted his head and his reflection followed but his reflection spoke.
"Hello Stiles" it smiled.
"Are you me?" Stiles asked.
"Of a sort yes. I'm the part you keep hidden. The part of you that when the nogitsune possessed your body you enjoyed the killing" it moved slightly closer but not passing the barriers of the mirror.
"No they were innocent people" Stiles said.
"And so if they were guilty you would feel different" the reflection put its hand against the mirror.
"No no it wouldn't" Stiles pulled a confused face.
"Come on Stiles just embrace me. We would be unstoppable. No more bullies. No more weak pathetic Stiles. You could show the pack how important you really are" the reflection kept its hand held up.
Stiles looked at his reflection and raised his hand up towards his reflection but not touching it.
"Come on Stiles we know you want it" the reflection licked his lips.
A long silence filled the area and the reflection said nothing more just watched. It took some time but eventually Stiles pressed his hand onto the mirror with his reflection. The reflection smiled and watched as Stiles head jerked upwards so he was staring into the abyss above him.
His bright blue eyes began to dim and a darkness filled them until his eyes also went pitch black.

He woke up with a jolt and looked around to see he was in his room on his bed. He felt different. Not a bad different but a good different.
"Stiles you okay going to school" Noah suddenly walked in and stood by the doorframe.
"Yeah if I hide it will just make me feel worse" Stiles said and swung his legs over the bed.
"Alright get ready then come down for breakfast and today I am driving you to school. No arguments" Noah said smiling and left the room.
Stiles then followed his normal everyday routine. He ran downstairs and was about to leave when he saw his dads gun lying on the table. He looked out to see his dad was busy with something and grabbed the gun shoving it in his bag. He didn't know why but he had some inkling that he would be needing it then got into the car with his dad who drove him to school and dropped him off.
"Bye dad" Stiles waved.
"Bye son" he waved back and headed off to his work.

Stiles turned around and looked the school.
"Well let's see how this goes shall we" Stiles sighed wondering how he will react to his friends when they are mean to him. Will they be able to handle it?

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