Same or different

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"Come on there must be something" Noah says flicking through all the stuff Parrish had found.
"I'm sorry Sherif but the only camera that picked her up was as she was heading round the roundabout. Besides that there's nothing we can find of her" Parrish explains sympathetically then leaves the office closing the door behind him.
The blinds were down and shut. No one would know what was going on inside.
"The roundabout goes in four different directions how do we know which way she went and where she's gone" Theo asks sitting down.
"Yeah she could have headed anywhere" Liam chimed in sipping on a juice box.
"Well if I was a crazy psycho where would I go?" Malia asked.
"DAMN IT" Noah slammed his hand on the table, the frustration really getting to him.
"We are going to find him Sherif" Scott placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
The pack could hear a loud ruckus coming from behind the door but decided to ignore it as it was probably just an new prisoner being a bit difficult.
Noah was looking down at the photos they had and got everyone to come and have a look to see if they had any clue they had missed.
They heard the door open but no one turned around.
"Not now Parrish" Noah said flicking through some photos.
"We could check all the broken and abandoned places around the area to see if Stiles is in any of them" Liam suggested.
"Or we could put up fliers to see if anyone had spotted her" Issac added.
"Or you could just turn around" a voice for behind them all said.

Everyone recognising the voice spun around to see Stiles. He was leaning on the door bloodied and bruised holding his arm.
"Jesus Christ Stiles why won't you listen to us and go to the hospital" Parrish was stood behind him with a few other police officers worrying about him.
"STILES" Noah ran forward and pulled him into a massive hug.
Stiles flinched in pain and his father lets go.
"Hey dad did you miss me?" He smiled.
"Of course I missed you but now you are going straight the hospital no questions asked then you can answer the questions all of us will want to know" Noah ordered walking out with Stiles and getting in his car and driving off. The rest of them got in the car they came with and sped off behind Noah worrying about Stiles the entire time.

At the hospital Noah insisted Melissa treated him. Everyone was stood inside the hospital room watching as Melissa bandaged up Stiles arm. She has rubbed most of the blood away but the droplets on his clothes wouldn't come off.
She finished bandaging and smiled.
"All done. Just a flesh wound, keep it clean and it should fade in a week or so" she said.
Stiles nodded and grabbed the clothes his dad had previously placed on the bed. He lifted up and took off his shirt revealing his slight muscular frame and two bold bruises turning a slight purple colour.
He heard a slight noise and looked up but everyone was calm just waiting for him. He looked a Derek who had his hand over his mouth. He saw Stiles looking and turned away.
Stiles looked confused but then pulled on the shirt.
"Right he's done right?" Issac had been asking the same question for ages because he wanted answers.
"Yes he's done" Melissa said and left the room to go check on her other patients.
"Good now...."

Stiles was suddenly bombarded with questions from all around him. He looked back and forth and everyone.
"All of you be quiet. One question at a time" Derek spoke over everyone reducing them to silence.
"Okay first question then. Are you okay?" Liam was the first one to speak.
"I'm fine" Stiles made no sarcastic response.
"How did you escape?" Theo asked.
"Yeah I mean with you being so weak I thought you wouldn't make it" Lydia said boldly.
Stiles normally would have cowered away and not done anything but he stared her down. Not a nice stare a deadly stare. Lydia took a step back out of shock.
"Stiles how did you escape?" Derek asked stopping whatever was about to start.
"She untied me" Stiles didn't elaborate.
"She what" Scott said.
"Why would she untie you?" Noah asked.
"She wanted something from me and when I wouldn't give it to her she let me go" Stiles said.
"What did she want?" Scott asked.
"but I guess I did give her what she wanted overall" Stiles murmured.
"What do you mean? Stiles your making no sense" Noah said sitting down next to him.
"Where were you? I need to go have a good chat with her" Derek said folding his arms angry.
"I was in a warehouse but..." Stiles began.
"It doesn't matter where she was" Lydia said.
"Yeah she will be gone by now" Scott said.
"Well maybe it will have some clue to where she has gone" Derek said looking at Stiles.
"I was in the warehouse down by the book store" he said.
"Perfect let's go" Scott said moving towards the door.
"She's still at the warehouse" Stiles said before they left.
"Prefect we can catch her" Theo said.
"She's dead" Stiles whispered.
"What" Lydia asked.
"She dead" he whispered again.
"Come on Stiles speak up stop being a baby" Lydia said.
"SHES DEAD" Stiles yelled standing up.
"What" everyone yelled in unison.

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