The meeting

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"Hmmm" Stiles said confused.
"Dude you've got a split lip" Theo spoke clearly impressed and surprised.
Everyone looked at him with a look saying this was not the time for this and he put his hands up and shrugged not caring about what they all thought.
"Ooohhh I didn't realise it left a mark" Stiles pressed his finger to his lip and brought it in front of his face where a small speck of blood had printed onto his finger.
"What left a mark. What happened?" Liam asked sitting down on Dereks sofa.
"Erm on my way out of the school I didn't look where I was going and walked straight into a lamppost" Stiles smiled and put his hand to his neck chuckling lying through his teeth.
"You did what. You big idiot!" Derek said crossing his arms.
"Oh don't be such a sourwolf" Stiles laughed and Derek walked up to him and held his face up towards his checking his split lip.
"Well you need to be more careful" Derek let go and grabbed some ice from his little mini fridge then threw it over to Stiles who caught it.
"Put this on you cut. It will stop any swelling".
"Thanks" Stiles put it to his lip and walked over sitting next to Liam to begin the meeting.

"Thank you for everyone attending this meeting. We all know what we are here for" Scott said addressing the pack.
"What are the police planning to do?" Malia asked.
"Well they already knew he was the killer however because of his healing ability it didn't show that Stiles had whacked him with a bat. Stiles' dad has managed to get the case deemed as a suicide" Scott explained.
"Well that's lucky" Theo added an unhelpful comment.
"We can't always rely on Stiles' dad for our mistakes. We need to be more careful." Lydia added giving a nod in Stiles direction quickly but not looking at him.
"Well I'm sorry Lydia. I'm sorry I didn't fit your perfect plan, but next time if you want I will let the killer kill you, Derek and all of our friends" Stiles stared her down, the bluntness in his voice as plain as day.
Everyone went quiet in shock and Lydia turned to face Stiles with pure shock written all over her face. Theo and Liam both looked at each other and back at him.
"I'm sorry. Bad day" Stiles apologised to the pack looking down at the floor.
"It's okay Stiles, everyone has angry outbursts at some point" Derek said knowing how it felt to be angry.
"Yeah we are all upset and it's understandable that your annoyed but you don't have to take it out on Lydia" Issac said turning his head to face Stiles.
Stiles looked directly at Issac and they both interlocked eyes not letting each other win.
"And I personally feel like maybe Stiles should help with the info and stuff but he should sit out of the practical stuff" Issac broke eye contact with Stiles and looked at the rest of the pack.
"I agree with Issac it would probably be safer for Stiles to stay on the sidelines" Malia agreed nodding her head along.
"What no. I can take care of myself" Stiles protested standing up and looked at the faces of his friends who didn't even try to defend him.
"Come on Scott. You've known me for such a long time, you know I can take care of myself" Stiles looked a Scott hoping that his best friend would defend him.
"You know it would be safer for you...." Scott began.
"Your joking me. Your bloody joking. We have been doing this since the beginning and now that you've got your fancy pack your just going to throw me to the side" Stiles walked past the table and to where Scott was standing.
"Stiles....." Scott said his name.
"No I can't believe you'd do this" Stiles walked away and out of the room away from sight without looking back.

There was an echo of silence. It was only broken when someone spoke from the end of the room above them.
"He's different you know" a voice came from up the windy staircase.
"Peter what are you doing?" Derek asked irritated.
"I was just listening in. Your all quite entertaining" Peter smirked.
"What did you mean by Stiles is different?" Liam asked looking up the black winding staircase at the man who was half in shadow.
"I've met a lot of people in my time and that boy is not the same as he was before" Peter walked down the staircase and towards the pack until he was a few meters away from them.
"You are going to have to elaborate on that one" Derek crossed his arms again and glared at Peter clearly not happy he was around.
"He had anger in him. And a good amount of it too. He's playing into his old self but that's not him anymore" Peter explained lifting his eyebrows up and down at Derek to annoy him.
"You don't know what your talking about" Malia said not believing that Stiles was anymore than he has always been.
"Oh and you do. I've seen the way you treat him like a child. Why would he trust you guys with anything when all you do is shut him down?" Peter told the cold hard facts.

The packs heads bowed in shame. They had never really thought about it. About how Stiles was feeling, all they ever thought was ways to protect him and never really gave him a proper chance at trying to prove himself.
"I've never really thought that" Lydia said realisation crossing upon her face.
"And there we go she finally realised" Theo clapped his hands twice smiling.
Liam elbowed him in the chest to get him to shut up.
"I'm going to go find him and bring him back, we all need to apologise" Scott said moving out the room and speed walked, slightly jogging to try and get to Stiles before he drove off.

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