Taken away

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Stiles walked out of the warehouse and into the street. The blue had been clouded over and small drops of rain began to fall from the clouds.
He angrily kicked a dumpster and was about to get into his jeep when he saw further down the road was another car. The hood was open with some smoke pouring out of it and someone was looking over it to try and see what was wrong but they clearly had no idea what they were doing.
Stiles walked over.
"Hey you need a hand" he called out.
The person turned around and looked out squinting to see Stiles come over.
"Yes. I have no idea what I'm meant to do" she smiled. Her hair was a dark lush black that went down past her shoulders and halfway to her elbow and her eyes were a deep emerald green which pierced Stiles heart when she looked at him.
"Do you know what went wrong?" Stiles asked standing next to her and looking down waving his hands in front of his face to try and get rid of the smoke coming from the car.
"No one minute it was working fine then it started spluttering and came to a halt" she gave Stiles a confused look.
"I'm Nyx by the way" she stuck her hand out with a white glove on for a handshake.
"Stiles" he shook her hand and leaned over car and looked inside as the smoke died down and stopped.
Inside he saw a tear in one of the main pipes heading towards the engine of the car which made sure the car started properly.
He stood back up and looked at the girl leaning against the car slightly. He started to feel a bit weird.
"There's a tear in your pipe here" Stiles pointed towards the pipe "the cars safety precaution has kicked in so won't start".
"Just a little tear caused all this" she gasped.
"Yeah" Stiles gulped. His vision had began to go a little funny. He looked at the girl and he could now see two of her fluttering in his eyes.
"Hey Stiles are you alright?" She came over and held his shoulder up.
"Somethings wrong. I-I don't feel well" Stiles would have fallen onto the floor if Nyx hadn't caught him.
She looked at the unconscious boy in her arms and smirked.
"Just some chemicals on the glove and when you shake my hand your fate is sealed. For such a smart boy you can be so dumb" she dragged his body round the car and laid it next to the wheels. She then walked round the corner and a few minutes later came round with a second car. She got out and opened the backseat door then went round and dragged Stiles body around to the door.
She was halfway through putting Stiles into the car when she heard a yell. She turned around to see someone else had walked out from Stiles had originally come from.
"STILES" Scott yelled seeing what was happening.
Nyx began to hurry up. She threw Stiles into the back and slammed the door and ran round to the front and got in. She turned the key in the side while looking up and seeing a boy with glowing red eyes running towards her.
The car started up and she reversed out the road as fast as she could swerving when she got to the end and pulled the gear stick forward heading off and a great speed leaving Scott in the dust.

Scott ran as fast as he could but just didn't make it in time before a girl had gone and taken Stiles away.
He ran as fast as he could back into the warehouse and back to the room. He ran in out of breath . The pack looked at him in confusion.
"Scott why are you out of breath?" Issac asked.
"Did you find Stiles?" Malia asked.
"Did he not want to come back?" Derek asked.
Scott was asked all the usual questions.
"Stiles was taken" Scott nearly shouted.
"Taken?" Liam asked tilting his head.
"Someone just kidnapped him" Scott looked at the pack.
All of a sudden he was bombarded by questions of what the hell happened.
"Shush. Everyone be QUIET" Scott yelled.
Everyone went silent and he sat down on the sofa putting his head in his hands and taking a deep breath before he sat up properly and told everyone the short story of what happened when he got out the warehouse.
"But who could have took him?" Theo was confused as they had no current enemy's in beacon hills.
"I don't know" Scott looked distressed.
"Well we need to go find him" Lydia said taking a stand.
"But how we don't have any leads" Liam asked.
"Well how do you guys normally find your information" Derek asked.
"Well normally either Stiles or....." Issac thought out loud.
"Or who" Peter asked intrigues.
"Or his dad" Scott said.
"Well then we need to see if Stiles dad knows anything" Derek said.
"Let's go then" Malia said and began going to the door.
"Sounds like fun" Peter said.
"NOT YOU" everyone yelled at Peter at the same time.
"Ouch" he put his hand on his chest with a fake pained face then smiled and went back up the stairs away from them all.
"Well then let's go" Malia threw Scott the keys to the car they came in and left the room with everyone else following in tow.

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