Chapter 1

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"Little dove, wake up."
"Five more minutes dad."
"Jimin I'm not going to repeat myself."

Jimin huffs and sits up on his bed, he crosses his arms over his chest and pouts looking at his father who was already dressed.

Park Cho sung can't help but laugh at the sight in front of him. Jimin's hair is all over his face, his night gown slipping off his shoulder on one side and crumbled at his upper arm on the other side.

"Come on, jiminie don't be mad at your father. Get up and get dressed, it's your first day as a pirate." His father said before turning and leaving right out the wooden door of jimin's room.

Jimin throws the covers off his body, before going into his bathing chamber he takes a look through his round window at the ocean. He smiles immediately. The ocean is the most beautiful thing dear god has created in jimin's eyes.

Walking into his bathing chamber he takes a look into the mirror and laughs at his appearance. Quickly taking off the night gown he starts pouring water on his milky white skin, taking the soap bar he starts rubbing it over his smooth hairless skin before rinsing it off again.

He slips on his robe and walks back into his room to find his brother sitting on his bed already dressed in his usual attire.

"Good morning Jackson." Jimin smiles at him going to hug his big brother. "Good Morning Little jiminie." Jackson smiles back and hugs him tight to his chest. They let go and Jimin goes to his clothes and looks through them to see what he will put on for his first day as an official pirate.

Jackson watches his little brother from the bed and thinks to himself if letting him into the pirate life was  a good idea.
See Jimin is a bit different than the rest of the male pirates. He is small and delicate, he's pretty and has a pretty body, he walks elegantly and doesn't talk rudely, he knows his manners.

Jackson thinks that god put Jimin in the wrong field in life, Jimin should be royalty, he should be treated as a prince not a pirate.
That's why him and his dad always treat Jimin with delicate words and gentle touches, he is too precious in their eyes. Protecting his little brother is his most important task and he will do it with an honor.

"Brother, stop thinking about this. I'm going to be fine." Jimin knows exactly what Jackson is thinking about. He had to beg his brother and father to join them.

Before that he was always just there on the big ship. He didn't have any work to do he was just told to relax and enjoy his life.

Jimin didn't like feeling like a dead weight, he wanted to help and do something like the rest of the ship members.

Sometimes after dinner he would go and help the cooks and cabin boys out in the kitchen until his father or brother come in and scold him for getting his hands dirty.

They have always treated him like a small delicate flower and even if he enjoyed the feeling of being loved by his two favorite people that god has gifted him, he wanted to show them that he can also do something without breaking into two.

"I'm worried about you little dove, there are a lot of people out there who will want to have you in any way they can." Jackson walks up to his brother who was still clad in only his robe.

He puts his hands on jimin's chubby cheeks and looks down at him. "You are the most beautiful creature god has gifted men. I can't let someone hurt you, little dove."

Jimin wraps his arms around Jackson's neck and pulls him down to peck his cheek. "I'm going to be fine as long as I have you, daddy and dear god watching over me."

Jackson hums. "You're right little dove, now get dressed so we can go have breakfast." He goes to sit back down on jimin's bed, waiting for him to finish getting dressed.

Jimin unties the robe and slips it down his body, he slips on his undergarments and then his attire, tying it tightly around his slim waist.

Finished, he turns around to find his boots in Jackson's hands which were already stretched out in front of him offering to put them on for his little brother. Jimin walks to his bed trying to snatch the boots out of his brothers hand. Jackson furrows his brows looking at Jimin confused.

"I am perfectly capable of putting them on myself, big brother." Jimin says raising an eyebrow, two can play this game.

"Since when are you rejecting your older brother, little dove?" Jackson looks at Jimin a little disappointed. Not wanting to make his big brother sad, Jimin stretches out his leg in front of Jackson for him to put on his first boot. "There you go, wasn't so hard now was it, little dove?"

Jackson finished putting on jimin's boots for him, he stands up from the bed and starts walking to the dining room excited to eat. Jimin having to catch up to him due to his short legs, starts panting until he reaches his brother taking his hand to slow him down.

"I'm sorry little dove, I got excited for food." Jackson laughs looking down at his pretty brother.

Reaching the dining hall they walk up to their table where their father was already seated waiting for his two sons.

"Bring in the food." He yells out an order once his sons were seated at the captains table. The cooks and cabin boys start rushing bringing in food to all the tables, male and female pirates digging into the food as if they hadn't eaten in weeks, even though they had just eaten the night before.

Jimin starts of with putting a napkin on his lap, he digs into his food calmly and doesn't rush his meal. Everyone was already used to the captains son being very posh for a pirates son, but they would never dare to say anything that could hurt the doll like boy.

After everyone was finished eating the captain stood up and clinked his fork to his glass to get everyone's attention.

"Good Morning pirates. Today is the day that Jimin will start to take part in our activities, he wants to do what we are doing, so everyone take good care of him like you have already been doing, now everyone back to work." He finishes setting the glass back down ignoring the gasps from the pirates.

They all get up and start heading off to do their jobs, despite being shocked by the news that the captain is finally letting his son in on the pirate activities.

Cho sung and Jackson head off to their meeting room with Jimin just following behind them to see what he's supposed to do.

Entering the meeting room they see the first, second and third mate already discussing something.

Jackson was the quartermaster, he would take his dads spot as the captain whenever his dad was ready to step down.

The first mate was jeon jungkook, he was only 23 years old but already a very good pirate since he has been doing this since he was 12. His parents died during one of their battles with the other ships so of course Cho sung wasn't going to leave the son of his first mate behind, he trained jungkook at a young age and decided to make him his first mate when he was ready.

"What's the matter?" Cho sung asks sitting on his chair as Jackson and Jimin followed his every step also sitting down.

A/N: So how are you liking it this far?
Published: Sunday May 8 2022

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