Chapter 10

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It has been four months since the first plan has been made to bring their ships together along with the wedding.

Both captains have been looking for a big enough ship for both crews and have been planing everything around it, Jackson has been getting ready to take over as a captain and Jimin has been planing the wedding.

Namjoon told him to take over the wedding plans since it's his special day and namjoon is content with anything as long as it's with Jimin.

The wedding will be held on their new ship and that day will be the day both crews will start living together on said ship.

The only thing Jimin can't plan is the date of the wedding since the date will be connected with the finding of the new ship.

"Hey little dove, having fun?" Cho sung said as he walked into jimin's chamber.

Jimin looked up smiling at his father. "Yes daddy, I'm almost done with all the plans for the wedding. I'm so excited it's going to be so fun!" He exclaimed bouncing up, hugging his father.

Cho sung smiled, but the smile wasn't as big as always. Even though the wedding was his idea, he doesn't like the idea of his son growing up and starting his own family.

"That's good baby, we have also found a new ship. The date of the wedding will be next week." He forced another smile when Jimin pulled back to look at his father.

"I can make that work. Oh daddy, I'm so excited. Captain namjoon has been so nice to me." Jimin looked away blushing. His father only chuckled.

Cho sung pulled something out of his pocket and Jimin furrowed his brows at that. He opened the little jewelry box showing the insides to Jimin.

"This is a dove necklace for my little dove. I bought it as a wedding present for you." Cho sung pulled the necklace out of the box, gesturing Jimin to turn around.

Jimin turned around back facing his father. The captain delicately put the necklace around his sons neck and moved him to face the mirror.

"It's so beautiful, thank you daddy!" Jimin put his hand on the dove and smiled widely at his father.

"You're welcome my little dove, it looks beautiful on you." Cho sung is mesmerized by his sons beauty, even after 18 years, he still can't believe that the gorgeous person in front of him is his own son.

Jimin just giggled and hugged his dad again, but they were interrupted by a knock on the wooden door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and revealed Captain namjoon with his dimpled smile. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Of course not, I just told Jimin about the new ship and I gave him the necklace I told you about the other day, doesn't it look good on my little dove, namjoon?" Cho sung proudly pushed Jimin into namjoons view. Jimin blushed and looked down.

"Of course, there's nothing that wouldn't look good on your son, captain. Jimin is a Diamond, he makes everything look good." Namjoon hooked his fingers under jimin's chin lifting it up to make eye contact.

"I'll have to leave you two now, there's still work to do before I can go to bed. Good night and don't stay up too late my doll." Cho sung kissed the top of jimin's head and gave a nod to namjoon before walking out of his sons chamber.

"Are you happy my Diamond?" Namjoon pulled Jimin to the bed, where he sat down before placing the younger onto his lap.

"Very happy, thanks to you namjoonie. And I'm very excited and-" Jimin was cut off by his own yawn. Namjoon chuckled kissing his temple.

"Apparently you're also very tired, baby, let's get you to sleep now, ay?" Namjoon put one arm under jimin's knees and the other around his back.

He stood up with Jimin in his arms, turned around and tucked Jimin under the covers. He kissed jimin's forehead and was about to leave when a small voice spoke up.


"You know I would love to stay, doll. But not now, I can't until we are one in front of god." Namjoon said with a small smile and left just like that.

Jimin was left alone in his candle lit chamber, looking at the wooden door that closed after namjoon.

He was embarrassed. "Will namjoonie think of me bad now? Oh my, what have I done. Forgive me father, I had no bad intentions, I just wanted my soon to be husband to hold me to sleep."

Jimin prayed to god and then went to sleep, only thinking of namjoon, their wedding and the future. A future in which namjoon will forever hold Jimin.

A/N: okay, I lied. I wanted to update the other day but I didn't finish the chapter, I also didn't want to publish it like that, but here we are.
Next chapter will be their wedding.

Published: Monday January 2 2023

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