Chapter 9

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Jimin was sitting on the deck, thinking. While the moon and the sun did their exchange, Jimin couldn't stop thinking about his future.

Even if he liked Captain namjoon and he could imagine starting a family with that man, he was scared.

He was scared to be under the wings of a stranger, even if his father already knew and liked the man, Jimin didn't know him.

His father didn't even bother asking him, which made Jimin upset, since they were always so open with each other and captain Cho sung always respected his sons.

"Beautiful?" Jimin turned around at the deep voice.

"Captain namjoon, what are you doing here?" Jimin blushed upon seeing the older man. He was shy now, since there was a plan for the both of them.

"Can't I come see my future husband?" Captain namjoon smiled teasingly while sitting down next to Jimin. That statement made the younger blush even more, now hiding his face behind his small hands.

"I'm just teasing you little one. What are you doing here all alone?" He asked curiously while staring into jimin's eyes, which lit up at the question.

"I always come here to keep the sun and the moon company while they do their exchange. Daddy always used to tell me that when the sun goes to sleep the moon comes to keep us company and to let the sun rest. They are like old lovers who care for each other and I'm here to praise them so they don't give up."

Jimin rambled on excitedly, his face lit up and he was talking with a slight bounce while looking between the sky and namjoon.

Namjoon looked at the smaller fondly. He asked himself why this precious boy decided he wanted to join the pirate world. A person like him belongs somewhere safe, a place full of angels and fairies. And even there he would be the most beautiful of them all.

As Jimin finished his rant he noticed Captain namjoons heart eyes, making him blush for the nth time. "Stop staring at me like that Captain." He giggled while pushing the older man's chest slightly.

Namjoon caught jimin's hand and kissed his delicate wrist. "Why should I stop? You are the most beautiful and precious person god has ever put on this earth and I am lucky to be the one that is going to marry you, I am lucky that you will be the mother of my children one day." Namjoon was whipped, he kept kissing jimin's hand with each sentence. Jimin was as red as a tomato by the end of namjoons love speech.

Jackson and jungkook were standing a few meters behind them listening to every word that was exchanged. Jackson felt guilty. He acted selfishly and didn't give the captain a chance, he was scared of loosing his baby brother but everything he just heard proved his concerns wrong.

Jungkook on the other hand was mad, he always hoped that with every wrong doing he will put into jimin's way no one would want to marry him anymore, so he could get him for himself in the end, but now namjoon came in and still asked to court and marry him even after Jimin was rude to him.

"How can you let that slide Jackson? You can't just let that old excuse of a captain marry your brother and be the father of your nieces and nephews." Jungkook will have to get through Jackson to get to Jimin but the main problem now was namjoon.

Jackson looked at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean? Haven't you just heard what captain namjoon said to my little dove? It will be an honor to have him as my brother in law and the father of my nieces and nephews, he will be good to my jiminie."

Jungkook was fuming by now, Jackson, his best friend, the one that promised him he will get to marry jimin, when they were little, is siding with an outsider.

"And what do you mean old? He's just one year older than me! Who else would you suggest marry my baby brother. At least he's not a young inexperienced pirate that would want to play with my brother." Jackson said, without even thinking about how his words could hurt jungkook.

A/N: hey guys! I know short chapter and I know I've been gone for a while but I'm back!! And I will be posting more from now on, expect more chapters today!
Also, what a coincidence, jimin's father is not connected to the handsome sk football player Cho gue sung, I started this book long before the World Cup, when he was still doing his military service.

Published: Wednesday December 28 2022

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