Chapter 6

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Jimin sat there in between all the other pirates looking at one person through out the whole meet up, Captain Kim namjoon.

Looking at the man he noticed how attractive he actually was, his big muscular body, the hair, those lips, that smile, those eyes and don't get Jimin started on the dimples.

Yes he was staring and yes namjoon noticed it but decided to just not say anything to not embarrass the boy, but it definitely pushed his ego, as if it wasn't already big enough.

And obviously he finds Jimin attractive, just like the rest of the world and if anyone didn't they were probably just envious of the young boys appearance.

But the problem is that neither of them could ever utter a word about their thoughts because of two reasons, Jackson and captain Cho sung.

Namjoon didn't want to mess up anything he had with the park ship and Jimin was scared that they might go crazy and do something to the man.

"Jimin!" "Jimin!" Jackson was calling out to Jimin who was spaced out looking at namjoon.

"Hm, what, yes?" Jimin suddenly turned all red and looked at his brother with wide eyes.

"What's up with you? And why the hell are you starring at captain namjoon?" Jackson looked between the two, while Jimin just opened his mouth but couldn't find any words to say. "Are you still worried about what happened yesterday? He told you it's fine already, calm down."

Jimin just nodded, now averting his eyes to the floor. While Captain namjoon kept glancing at him.

"Why don't you have dinner with us?" Cho sung now caught the attention of both males.

"Sure I don't see a reason to deny." Namjoon glanced between the park family, smirking.

"Very well then, jiminie dove could you tell the cooks to cook extra food for dinner please?" Cho sung patted jimin's head, giving him his fatherly smile.

The boy just nodded and got up, smoothing down his attire and making his way to the kitchen.

"Hello! I hope I'm not bothering but father asked you to cook extra food tonight since the guests from the Kim ship are going to be dining with us." Jimin gently asked the cooks, he knows it's their jobs but he feels bad that they have to do everything and being ordered around.

"Of course little pirate, now go engage in some big boy matters and stop worrying about us." One of the cooks, who has known Jimin ever since his birth, said caressing jimin's cheek. Jimin had no other choice but to obey his elders.

While walking back to the deck Jimin bumped into someone and before falling on his butt he was caught by a muscular arm around his waist.

"Careful there angel." Jimin looked up to see captain namjoon smiling at him.

"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry Captain namjoon." Jimin apologized, eyes worried and  pouty lips even more pouty.

"It's alright, just be careful who you bump into next time, we wouldn't want some incompetent person to not be able to catch you in time, now would we?" Namjoon smirked, arm still around jimin's waist.

"I was on my way to the toilettes, you can join me if you want to, angel." The captain winked, smirk still apparent.

Jimin's face turned red and he rushed back to the deck, making namjoon laugh.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the delayed update, I've been so busy these past few days.

Published: Saturday May 21 2022

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