Chapter 2

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"What's the matter?"

"Captain, word about Jimin is already out. Captains all over the seven seas want to see him." Jungkook, his first mate, tells him, taking a quick look at Jimin then back at the captain.

"Well my son is a public person now, I can't keep my little dove hidden now that he is a pirate. There will be festivals and meeting where I can't hide him." Cho sung looks at Jimin then at jungkook.

"Well but captain, Jimin can be very dangerous to our ship if all of the other captains want to bed him." The third mate says, making jimin's cheeks tint red and Jackson and Cho sung fuming.

"No one will bed my little dove without my permission and definitely not until it's time to start a family for my little dove, he is still young and doesn't need anyone but me and Jackson now! My little dove is not dangerous to us, he will be our lucky charm, more than he already is!" Cho sung stands up pointing an angry finger at the third mate.

"Get out and help the cabin boys with cleaning up until dinner is ready." Cho sung spits out, making the third mate look at him in shock. "Now!"
He scurries out and down the hall to the dining room.

"Daddy that wasn't necessary." Jimin says softly to his father putting a gentle hand on the man's back as he sits back down.

"Little dove, I won't let anyone touch you or disrespect you." Cho sung says looking into his sons eyes. Jackson hasn't said a word but glared at the door the third mate left from.

"The other thing is that there is a festival in 4 days Captain, all pirates are invited. It's hosted by the Kim ship." The first mate said, ignoring what just happened, sliding an envelope with the invitation towards his captain.

"Very well, our people deserve a break. We will be attending said festival. Just let everyone know beforehand so they can get washed up and ready."
Cho sung finishes and stands up going into his working chamber.

The second mate who hasn't said anything yet scurries right out as the tension was high and he doesn't want to get between anything that will happen.

"Son of a witch, who does he think he is saying such foul things about my little brother." Jackson finally speaks up looking at his best friend of 10 years.

Jungkook just shrugs. "Calm down, it's not like they're already in a queue waiting to have their turn with your little brother." He laughs out, Jackson punches jungkook square in the face.

"And it won't happen, bastard. Now let's go drink." Jackson helps his Best friend up from the ground and they walk out with an already forming bruise on jungkooks cheek, leaving Jimin alone.

Jungkook is the only pirate on this ship that allows himself to say anything about Jimin in front of Jackson but never in front of the captain.

Jimin doesn't have a feeling that jungkook really likes him that much, ever since they were little jungkook always ignored him and went to play with Jackson.

After dinner Jimin goes onto the deck wanting to look out on the ocean as he does everyday.

Pirates either have already finished their work or are almost finished for the day going to the bar to drink.

Jimin likes to stay out on the deck while everyone is inside drinking. He enjoys the breeze, the calmness of the ocean and looking at the sun go to sleep.

His father always used to tell him that when the sun is also finished with her work she likes to show us a beautiful sight before going to sleep and let the moon do his work.

Jimin liked how the moon and sun never fought, they were always happy to do their jobs without complaining or stopping.

The beautiful boy likes to watch the sun and moon harmonize, he likes to accompany them and show them his support so they never stop.

Thinking back to what was said earlier he blushes. Bed him? His father and brother have told him about that a couple years back, that one day there will be men who will want to touch Jimin and put their stuff in him in order to make a baby.

He wasn't shy about his brother and father seeing his body but he was scared that when another man will, that man will want to make a baby with him. That's what his dad has told him, that his body will make men want to be intimate with him, but that will never happen with his brother and his father, they will never touch him in a way only a lover will.

If anyone would dare doing that to him without his approval Jimin is supposed to fight back and tell his brother or father immediately.

Jimin looks down between his legs, feeling a little funny at the thought of someone playing with his body.

After the sun and moon have finished their jobs Jimin praises them and goes back to his chamber. He slips off his attire and undergarments, placing them on a shelf neatly. He picks out a night gown to put on to go to sleep.

Before putting on the night gown Jimin looks into the mirror that is next to his clothes shelf, he watches his own body, looking up and down, he turns around with his eyes still looking at the mirror, now dropping to his behind.

He has already started experimenting with his body, just like in the story's some of the female pirates would hand to him to read alone. Every time he would try something new. Now he wanted to try to do something with his behind.

He picks up one of the books and reads what was being done in the book and does the same thing, pleasuring himself with only two of his fingers.

His father has instructed the female pirates to give those books to Jimin so he can explore a little bit on his own without having to look for a male to explore with and as a father he doesn't want to make his little dove uncomfortable by instructing him what to do with his body.

A/N: well this took a turn real quick.
Published: Sunday May 8 2022

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