Chapter 4

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"Are you okay, kid?" Namjoon sat down next to Jimin as a lot of pirates were either leaving or knocked out on the floor or bar. "I'm fine! And can everyone please stop calling me 'kid', I'm not a damn kid anymore!" Jimin snapped, all the pent up anger finally coming out, but unfortunately coming out at the wrong person, a captain his father actually never had a rivalry with.

The whole table just stared at Jimin. "Jimin! Apologize now!" Jackson could not believe that his little brother was talking like that to a captain.

"No, no, it's fine, he's been through enough. Let him breath for a little bit." Namjoon just waved his hand in the air trying to show that it didn't matter.

Jimin got up, he just wanted to get into his bed and sleep. Before walking out he just mumbled a little " 'm going back.".

Jackson stood up and grabbed Jimin by the arm. "You're not going anywhere on your own, either I'm coming with you or you'll just have to wait for us to go back." He looked at his little brother expecting an answer.

"I'm going back, I want to go to bed." Tears formed in jimin's eyes, he was overwhelmed with everything that has happened that night, many men being inappropriate, Jackson being busy with his friends, his father also only busy with the other captains and he didn't even get to praise the sun and moon, what if they think they did something wrong?

Jimin really just wanted to go back to the ship and apologize at least to the moon and then head to his chamber and rest.

"Okay, I'll come with you. Let's tell dad, okay?" Jimin just nodded, walking with Jackson to the captains table, well those who were still there.

"I'm taking Jimin back, I don't think tonight was a blast for him." Jackson whispered in Cho sungs ear, gesturing with his head over to Jimin.

His dad, now with concern on his face, stood up and walked to his youngest. "Little dove, you want to head back?"

Jimin nodded again looking at the ground, in case one of his tears slipped out no one would see it.

Cho sung sighed hugging his son. "Be careful and stay with him until we come back, we won't be long." He instructed Jackson who, of course, nodded.

The walk back to the ship was very quiet, you could only hear their footsteps and jimin's sniffles. Jackson wrapped his arm around his little brothers shoulders, letting the younger cry on his attire.

Jackson wanted to lead Jimin to his chamber until the younger stopped him and started walking to the deck. "Where are you going?"

"I have to apologize to the moon, tomorrow I'll have to apologize to the sun too. I haven't praised them today, dad would be disappointed if he heard that I made them sad." Jimin leaned against the railing and started apologizing to the moon.

Jackson found it cute how his brother still believed his fathers old tales. He also believed them once, but then he grew out of it and Jimin came along, the little boy who believed every word that came out of Cho sungs or Jackson's mouth.

After apologizing to the moon Jimin took Jackson's hand in his hand and went to his chamber. He changed and was ready to climb into his bed when Jackson spoke up.

"May I stay with you tonight, little dove?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"Silly, you know you don't have to ask me." Jimin giggled and made some room for his brother on the bed.

Jackson took off his first layer of clothing and hopped in the bed.

Both brothers fell asleep hugging eachother. One worried and the other exhausted.

A/N: I know it's a bit short, but I didn't have much time to write today, but I wanted to publish.

Published: Tuesday May 10 2022

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