Chapter 7

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Throughout the whole day Captain namjoon and Jimin kept throwing glances at eachother. If not for jungkooks wandering eyes, Jimin wouldn't have been in a weird conversation with Jackson right now.


Jimin was a blushing mess and of course jungkook noticed it, he wanted to know what made him blush, so he can tease him about it.

He kept his eyes on the younger captain until he noticed Jimin looking back at captain namjoon, who in return winked with a smirk, making Jimin look away quickly.

Jungkook gasped and pulled Jackson to a more private area without one word spoken between them.

"What the fuck, kook. I was in a conversation you fuckface." Jackson ripped his arm from jungkooks hand and glared at him.

"Well you probably really want to hear what I have to say. I think Jimin and captain namjoon have something going on." Jungkook laughed before explaining what he saw.

"That can't be. No not my little baby brother." Jackson was fuming by now. "If that pervert tries something I will kill him, Captain or not." 

Jackson stormed back on deck and stood right in front of Jimin who had a faint red tint on his face. "Jimin, room , serious talk, now!" Jackson's face was also red by now but for a different reason.

Jimin excused himself and got up. Their father looked at the three suspiciously but brushed it off since they have always been like that.

"So what the fuck is going on between you and captain namjoon?"

And that's how we got the the present conversation.

"Me? What? I barley know Captain namjoon, brother. What are you talking about?" Jimin was sat on his bed while Jackson and jungkook stood before him with their arms crossed.

"Jungkook saw everything, don't you dare lie to me now!" Jackson slapped jungkooks neck to get his point across.

"Ow dumbass! And yes, I saw every little glance you and captain namjoon threw at eachother, I'm no child, unlike you. I know what those glances mean." Jungkook was grinning at the end of his talk, now he can expose the small boy, that everyone thought was perfect, as a slut for captain namjoon, a guy way older that him.

"Brother I have never spoken to him alone except for when I went to the kitchen and captain namjoon was on his way to the toilettes, I almost fell and he caught me, he only helped me. Please don't be angry Jackson." Jimin looked at his brother with fear in his eyes.

Those puppy eyes that the younger gave him made him soften. He sat down next to his brother and stroked his hair.

"Okay, I believe you. But Jimin, that man might want to take advantage of you, so please be careful when you're alone around him. And I have to ask you this, do feel something for that man?" Jackson spoke calmly in order for his brother to calm down.

"I, well, I don't know, he is quiet attractive on the outside but I don't know what he's like on the inside." Jimin looked at his small hands.

Jackson sighed and looked at jungkook, who was still grinning for a to him unknown reason.

"I think we have to ask dad for some advice about this, he can help you better than I can in this field, little dove." Jimin could only nod not knowing what else to say.

"I think we should wait until the guests are gone and then we can speak to him. Until then let's go back to not raise any suspicion." Jackson spoke up again and stood to walk out, Jimin and jungkook following silently.

A/N: Oh my, I'm really sorry for not updating as much. Also I haven't proofread this one so if there are any grammar mistakes, I'm sorry.

I hope you like this book. Please leave some feedback.

Published: Monday June 6 2022

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