Chapter 5

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"Boys wake up." Cho sung walked into jimin's chamber wanting to check up on them after last night.

Jimin sat up rubbing his eyes with his little hands, while Jackson just groaned and stuffed his face further into the pillow.

"Come on, Jackson, get to your chamber to get dressed and head to breakfast!" Cho sung slapped the back of his neck to get him to wake up.

Jackson sat up and glared at the ground, not wanting to glare at his father. The 26 year old acted like a toddler who was woken up from his nap, while his younger brother literally just giggled at his childish behavior.

"Jackson, you're acting like a little baby." Jimin poked Jackson's belly while laughing.

"Oh, so you mean like you? Because you are a little baby in case you forgot." Jackson tackled his little brother on the bed and started tickling his sides. "Apologize, little baby!" He demanded.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry." Jimin couldn't endure the tickles anymore so he decided to surrender.

Cho sung was still stood next to the bed, now with a smile on his face looking at his family. "Okay enough now. Let's get to breakfast."

Jackson stood up and went to his room to get dressed while Cho sung sat down next to Jimin on the bed.
He stroked his sons hair gently. "I'm sorry for how yesterday went for you, little dove."

Jimin just nodded and hugged his father. "It's not your fault, I have to start getting used to this, I'm a pirate now." Jimin smiles at his father, not wanting to worry him anymore.

"Very well then, get up, we have some guests today, some crew members of the Kim ship are coming over and I reckon you have to apologize to someone for your behavior yesterday." Cho sung walked to the door and left, leaving Jimin to get ready.

The youngest just sighed, he knew that the way he behaved towards a captain was not okay, even if he wasn't feeling too good, he should never disrespect a captain.

He got ready, went to the the dining room and after breakfast the park ship was getting their ship ready for visitors.

Jimin wanted to avoid pushing barrels so he just went back to his chamber.

"Come on now Little dove, no need to be shy anymore." Cho sung pushed his youngest son out of the chamber to go greet their guests.

"But daddy, what if he's mad at me?" Jimin was nervous, what if the captain chose to punish him for his behavior? He didn't even want to think about how disappointed his brother will be.

"He's not angry with you, but it's still the right thing to apologize, now come on, I'm not going to repeat myself again!"

Jimin whined but still obeyed, he's not going to be a bad boy more than once.

When they walked out to the deck, the Kim ship was already sat on barrels waiting for the father and son duo.

"Hello captain namjoon, I would like to apologize for my rude behavior yesterday, I hope you will accept my apology and will forgive me." Jimin kept his head down while bowing to captain namjoon, his father and Jackson patting him on the back after he finished.

"Oh beautiful, there is no need to apologize, we all have our emotions that we sometimes are unable to control, yesterday you were provoked a lot and I should have known better than to add fuel to the fire. It's better now I should apologize to you, sweet thing."

Captain namjoon took jimin's delicate small hand in his rather large one and brought it up to his lips to peck it gently.

Jimin gasped not knowing what to do now. Cho sung raised an eyebrow as captain namjoon didn't let go of his sons hand.

"Okay, I think this is settled now." Cho sung coughed and dragged Jimin to another barrel, far away from the younger captain.

Jimin just kept thinking about how Captain namjoon's lips on his hand made his tummy feel weird and brought a little smile to his face.

A/N: okay I just finished watching the bbmas and what a shit show. Who thought it was a good idea to let diddy host, the performances were really bad except for silk sonics and rauw Alejandro's performance, I know most of those performers could have done better. Also Let's not even talk about the awards.
What a disappointment!

I'm sorry I just had to rant about that real quick.

Published: Monday May 16 2022

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