Chapter 8

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"Where were you guys?" Captain Cho sung asked once everyone was gathered again.

"We were just chatting, nothing to concern our guests here." Jackson decided to speak up, glaring at namjoon as he sat down. Jimin and jungkook just kept quiet.

As the guests were leaving and everyone was saying their goodbyes namjoon decided to approach Jimin but was stopped by Jackson who stood right in front of Jimin.

"Could you move to the side, I was going to talk to your brother here." Namjoon said calmly.



"No! There's no reason for you to be speaking to my little brother." Jackson crossed his arms and glared at namjoon.

"Look, I don't know what went wrong in that little brain of yours but you can't stop me from courting your brother." Captain namjoon just shrugged off Jackson's glare and decided to make his way to Jimin, leaving the older one of the brothers shocked.

"Stop you from what? Who gave you any permission to talk about my baby brother like that! You haven't even asked my father for permission, what kind of pervert are you!" Jackson grabbed the older and got close to his face.

"Oh, you didn't know? Well I have every permission there is from the one and only Captain Cho sung." Namjoon smirked leaving Jackson shocked once again.

"Stop lying! My father would never do that." Jackson was fuming by now and Jimin just stood there looking at the two.

"Yes, I would. Now why don't we discuss this in private , jiminie dove, you too." Captain Cho sung walked up to them not wanting to make a scene.

"Well let me tell my crew mates to go back first and I will be all yours." As namjoon walked to his crew a fuming Jackson turned to his father.

"Care to explain?" Jackson looked like he was about to explode from anger. "I will, once captain namjoon gets back." Cho sung had a calm demeanor, putting his arm around a confused jimin's shoulder and smiling at his youngest.

The four of them walked to captain cho sungs office. Jackson pulled Jimin into his arms away from his father and namjoon who was walking next to him.

As they entered the office Jackson dragged Jimin next to him away from the older two and pulled him under his arm. "Talk." He barked out still mad.

"Well as the three of you were gone, off to god knows where, Captain namjoon and me got to talking and this amazing idea popped into my head. Who better to marry my baby than Captain namjoon? Exactly no one, Captain namjoon will take good care of my jiminie, he will be a good husband to my dove and a good father for my grandchildren."

By the end of his little speech Jimin was blushing, namjoon was smirking and Jackson's face was as red as a tomato from anger.

"Why would you do that? You didn't even ask me about all of this!" Jackson asked tightening his hold on his little brother who gave him a confused stare.

"Ask you? What about me? Don't I have a say in this too? It should still be my decision, even if I don't have a problem with captain namjoon, that's also what we wanted to talk to you about, but I don't want to be treated like some barrel that you can just ship off to the next person, please consult me before you make such big decisions about MY life! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the deck, it's time." Jimin ripped off Jackson's arm off his shoulder and got up from his seat to go accompany the sun and moon.


"It's fine, his feelings are understandable." Namjoon cut off the older captain who was about to scold the eighteen year old.

"Didn't you say that Jimin was still too young to be married or even start a family?" Jackson asked his father. He didn't know how to feel or act in this situation, his father made such an abrupt decision without even talking to anyone about this.

"I did some thinking after the accident in that bar. I want someone to protect my jiminie in ways we both can't, I want Jimin to start his life and maybe give me grandchildren before I die since you aren't really doing anything about that matter. I should stop excluding him from the world and let him explore a bit whilst still knowing that he's safe." Cho sung didn't like the idea of having to let go of his little baby, but everyone has to let go of their children one day and let them have their own children or just find someone to love who loves them back.

"Where will jimin live then?" Jackson didn't want to lose his brother. Not once in the past eighteen years has he been away from his brother for more than three days.

"Me and captain namjoon are thinking of combining our crews and settling on a bigger ship. Once we do that captain namjoon will take over and I will retire, I need my rest." Cho sung leaned back already knowing that there is a storm that is about to come his way.

"WHAT? But I was supposed to become captain! You can't let some stranger take over all of my duties!" As if Jackson wasn't mad enough. He wanted to go up and punch namjoon and do some good damage on his dumb face.

"Well you will have to share the duties since we are combining two crews and it will be too much for namjoon to handle on his own." Cho sung rubbed his temples not wanting to argue with his son about a matter he already decided on.

"First this motherfucker steals my baby brother and now he wants to steal my crew too! I don't know what has gotten into you father but I hope you come to your senses soon." Jackson stood up wanting to leave the office when namjoon finally decided to say something.

"Look Jackson, I'm not looking to steal anything or anyone from you. Jimin will still be near you and you will have an equal say about your crew as I do. Please let's not fight about this, we have to be one to be able to do this. Also what was the matter about me that Jimin wanted to talk about?"

"Ugh, fine, well we wanted to talk about Jimin having weird feelings for captain namjoon. I didn't know what to do so we decided to ask you, father." Namjoons smirk only grew by every word coming out of Jackson's mouth.

"We'll talk more about this tomorrow, with Jimin, now you both can go rest." Cho sung dismissed his son and turned to captain namjoon shaking his hand and leading him back out.

Published: Tuesday July 12 2022

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