Chapter 3

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It was the day of the festival. Cho sung woke up both of his sons again and went to the dining room to wait for them, he sat down and soon enough both brothers came in.

He called for the food and they started digging in. "Jiminie dove, I have a present for you. Since this will be your first festival I have special attire for you to wear. They have made it especially for you." Cho sung said talking about their tailors.

Jimin smiled wide and nodded his head. "Thank you dad, I'm excited for my first festival." At that Jackson decided to say something. "Little dove, you will be staying by my side the whole night. We don't know how many ships are going to the festival, I can't let you wander off on your own." He said. Jimin just nodded, being used to all of this by now.

After breakfast Cho sung walked Jimin to his chamber where the new festival attire was already laid out. It was what he normally wore just more elegant, but then he saw the corset and it made him excited. He loved corsets and he was excited that his father is letting him wear one to the festival.

"Thank you daddy." He hugged his dad and started slipping out of his clothes immediately to put on his new clothes. Cho sung just stood there feeling proud. Jimin looked gorgeous, the corset made the normal pirate attire even more special, just like his son was, special.

"You look pretty, little dove. Now let me go get dressed as well. Can't embarrass my little dove by looking like this, now can I?" He joked pinching jimin's cheek. "You could never dad, you're handsome in whatever attire." Jimin crossed his arms over the corset.

After they were all dressed the helmsman docked their ship at a harbor, next to many other pirate ships going to the festival. The kim ship decided it would be best to have the festival in a huge bar in Genoa, Italy.

The pirates howled getting off the ship. Jimin didn't like it when they would all scream like that so he just held Jackson's hand who was busy talking with Jungkook.

Jackson rubbed his thumb on jimin's hand, he noticed how nervous his little brother was, the older still remembers his first festival, it was a night full of rum and older women who would try to seduce the then teenaged boy.

The captain of the ship was right at the front leading the crew members to the bar and to be the first person to greet the Kim ships captain, Kim Namjoon. Both ships have never had any rivalry, so Cho sung was happy to meet the younger captain again.

At seeing eachother both men smiled and shook hands before going into a hug. "Captain.", "Captain" both nodded laughing. Jackson let go of jimin's hand to shake namjoons hand.

"And this is Jimin, my son." Cho sung pushed Jimin in front of him so he can greet the captain. "Hello." Jimin waved.

"Dear god and protector of the seven seas, how have you created such a beautiful creature?" Namjoon took jimin's smaller hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth to leave a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

Jackson immediately took jimin's hand back in his own and dragged him to one of the tables.

"Someone's feisty." Namjoon laughed making his crew members laugh aswell.

As everyone got drunk and started dancing crazily Jung hoseok, the Kim ships healer, walked up to the table where jungkook, Jackson and Jimin were sat.

"Dear lord, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm hoseok, I'm the healer here. You are gorgeous for a pirate, kid." Hoseok talked fast and he had this smile that made Jimin smile with him immediately.

"I'm Jimin, it's nice to meet you, healer. I like your positive energy, it's different from the other pirates." Jimin said curiously, but still smiling. Hoseok just laughed and hugged the boy making Jackson kick his shin.

"Oi, Jackson what was that for." He pouted now holding his shin, Jimin laughing. "Don't touch him." Jackson on the other hand wasn't smiling.

"Brother, it's fine. He's just being nice." Jimin already liked hoseok, he wasn't rude, didn't touch him inappropriately and he was the first one to have a genuine, beautiful smile while talking to him.

"Ah jin, come here, meet Jackson's brother!" Hoseok yelled out. Right at that moment a tall man wearing citizen clothes walked to their table.

It was weird seeing someone who isn't a pirate at a pirates festival. "Jin this is Jimin, Jackson's little brother, Jimin this is jin, Captain namjoons older brother." Hoseok introduced them to eachother.

"Wait, if you're older than Captain namjoon, why are you not Captain?" Jimin asked. Jin sat down next to hoseok, he looked down at his hands, not knowing how to answer that question.

"Little dove, we don't interfere in other peoples lives, remember what dad said. Curiosity killed the cabin boy." Jackson looked at Jimin sternly making the younger pout. "I'm sorry mister jin." He apologized still pouting.

"Oh no, don't make the boy pout Jackson. It's fine kid, I'm not a pirate anymore, well I try to distance myself as much as I can. But I unfortunately still have two pirate brothers so I can't just leave my little brothers alone. The pirate life really isn't for everyone and I respect you a lot for wanting to get into it."

Jimin nodded not wanting to ask more questions, in case it might upset the older male. "Speaking of, where are taehyung and suga, I've only seen this fool and captain namjoon?" Jungkook asked, pointing at hoseok who was staring at jimin's face, then Jackson's, then jimin's again.

"I last saw them at the bar trying to bed someone." Jin laughed pointing at the bar.

Jimin didn't want to drink anything, he didn't really like the taste of rum or beer. He only likes wine and cider but they don't have these expensive beverages at a pirate bar. Another point why Jimin should have been born as a royal, he has the taste of a royal not a pirate.

"Doll face, you want me to get you a drink? Apparently these men don't know how to treat a doll like you." An old, big pirate came up to Jimin, taking the boys face in his dirty hands.

Jackson stands up to the man to be on eye level with him. "He doesn't need a drink from your filthy hands."

The pirate laughed dryly. "And who are you? If you'd excuse me, I was talking to someone." He slurred, half of his words spraying spit at Jackson's face, his dirty fingers still gripping jimin's chin, who was pulling at the pirates wrist to get the hand off his face, but the pirate only tightened his grip.

"Well, he wasn't talking to you, bastard! Now let go before I make you." Jackson looked down at the older pirate who was a little bit shorter than him.

At this point a lot of the pirates looked at them, even the table where all the captains were sat. "Captain lee young, get your filthy pirates hand off my boys face before this gets ugly!" Cho sung pointed a finger first at the captain then his crew member.

Said captain stood up and walked to his second mate pushing him out of the bar after apologizing to the parks.

Jackson and Cho sung looked at Jimin who just mumbled that he's fine. They decided to talk to Jimin after the festival, not wanting to embarrass Jimin any more.

Published: Monday May 9 2022

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