Ch.15 ~ A Start To A New Journey

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Y/n's POV

I had woken up hours later with a whomping headache. Groaning I looked around and noticed I was in the passenger side of my truck. Skylla was laid on the seat next to me with her head in my lap, when I moved she sat up and nudged my head with hers.

I smiled as I stroked her looking at the drivers side I saw Glenn who glanced over and smiled at me. "Better than that red car right?" I joked as I sat up from my slouch with a groan.

Glenn chuckled and nodded. "How are you? Had us all frightened for a moment." He asked.

"Like a bull just rammed into me. You got any water?" I replied.

Glenn nodded, reaching over to the driver's cup holder and handing me a bottle. I silently thanked him and drank from the bottle. I handed it back to him and leant back. I felt like crap. Everything hurts. My stomach was turning and I felt as if the air around me was suffocating.

I slid down my window and allowed my face to be graced by the cool wind. "Where are we headed?" I asked Glenn, still looking out the window.

"For now back to one the villages outlining Atlanta then Fort Bennings." And with that reply we drove in silence.


A little while later I sat alone in my truck while Skylla and Glenn gathered with the group. Grabbing the walkie talkie that connects back home to wales, I pressed the side button and held it to my mouth.

"I don't know if anyone out there can hear me, or if there's anyone out there. My father would always say there was a slim chance so to always keep trying but I've had nothing but radio silence for over a month. It's hard to maintain hope when you are constantly left with unanswered questions or no replies to your calls for help."

I let go of the button for a second and sighed questioning myself if this was worth it. The words my father said rang in my head once more and I clicked the button.

"Anyway if anyone is left that was deployed to Atlanta or America before the world ended if by some miracle my brother is listening to this. The CDC was a dead end. We're heading out, myself and the small group I'm with. Brother if you can hear me, I'm headed for Fort Benning. The doctor at the CDC told me you were heading here to Atlanta. That we had just missed each other. I found your dog tags, Harvey, so I know it was you. Please don't come here."

I paused again tilting my head back to hold back the tears in my eyes. I sighed and looked out the window in the wing mirror to see the group walking about.

"I know this is a few days late but I'm clinging on to that chance that maybe something delayed you that you never made it but are still alive out there, fighting.  Atlantas over run there's no hope here. We have a long road ahead to Fort Benning, Harvey if you're out there... That's where you'll find me. If anyone is out there I wish you luck in getting there. may we meet again. Over and out permanently."

I pulled the walkie away from my lips with a sigh running a hand over my face. I dropped the walkie back into the glove compartment of the truck and slammed it close before opening the door and jumping out. I landed on the ground and wobbled slightly, still unbalanced.

I closed the door and walked to the back of my truck before sitting down on the step. I sighed as I rested my arm on my knees and held my forehead with my hand.

The sound of foot steps approaching made me look up and over my shoulder as Daryl approached, he stops in front of me looking down with his arms crossed and a unimpressed look on his face.

"What was that back there?" He asked.

"Daryl don't." I say leaning back against the pull down flap with a sigh.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now