Im sorry

653 10 7

Laura: Ross, I'm pregnant...
Laura: see I told you, you would be mad.
Ross: Laura, I'm n-n-o-t -m-a-a-d.
I whipped my eyes and calmed down a little bit.
Ross: I'm just upset.
Laura: why?
Ross: cause I'm gonna have to leave

Laura POV
I just stared at him in shock.
Laura: what do you mean you have to leave?
Ross stood up, and looked at me.
Ross: I'm so happy that your pregnant. But I have to go
Laura: but why Ross?
Ross: uhh. Before A&A started, wanted to be a part of the army, as my uncle Mike was. Well at 16 he said he would train me to become part of the army. He said he would train me for 6 weeks. When the 6 weeks was up I had to leave the boot camp. I was so happy about it all, that I said, any day you need my, I'll be there, to repay what you trained me for. Well, he just called me, saying that, they are a few men down and they need some other people. So of course my uncle called on me, knowing my promise. Of course I tried to back out of it, cause I'm with you and I don't want to loose you, but I promised him. And now that your pregnant with my child, I don't want to go even more.
Laura: why can't any other family member go?
Ross: cause I'm the only one trained to do it.
Laura: you can't go Rossy.
I started crying
Stormie: come on kids, let's leave them alone.
Stormie and R4 went out to the back garden, so it was just Ross and I.
Laura: Ross don't leave me
Ross: I don't want to leave Laura, but I have to.
Laura: who's gonna look after me?
Ross: you've got Rydel and my mum
Laura: as the baby's growing inside of me, it needs him or her daddy to talk to them.
Ross: I'm so sorry Laur.
Laura: fine. When are you leaving.
Ross started crying again
Laura: what?
Ross: I leave tomorrow.
I tried to hold back my tears, but they all came flowing out like a river. Wave, after wave, after wave.
Laura: a-and wh-e-e-n-n will y-o-u be b-ac-k?
Ross: I'm gonna be gone at least 6 months.
Laura: what no!!
Ross: I'm so sorry Laura.
I just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Ross hugged me to try and calm me down, but it wouldn't work. I'm pregnant with his baby got crying out loud!
Ross: right, tell ya what! As I'm leaving tomorrow, let's have the whole day together! Yea?
Laura: ok I guess.
Ross: so what you wanna do
Laura: lay in bed and cuddle.
Ross: ok your wish is my command.

Ross POV
Today is he day I leave. Laura woke me up, with a sad look on her face. I kissed he lips for 30 seconds before getting up and showering. Laura got in the shower after me, and once we were both dressed, we headed downstairs with my bags. All my family was waiting downstairs.
Rocky: well this is gonna be eventful
Stormie: shh rocky
Suddenly, I heard the beeping horn of Uncle Mike's car. I could feel my heart sinking. Not only, would I have to leave my family for 6 months, but I have to leave my pregnant fiancé too. I hugged my family, leaving Laura till last because, she was special. This is the order I said goodbye in:
And finally Laura.
When I got to Laura, I could already see tears forming in her eyes. She ran up to me, and threw her arms around her neck, smashing our lips together. We secretly stuck our tongues into each others mouths, without anyone noticing. We pulled away, and Laura just hugged me, with her head resting on my chest.
Laura: face time me everyday, when you can.
Ross: sure thing baby.
I got on my knees.
Ross: no little one, I know you probably can't hear me right now, but if you can, I just wanna talk to you. This is your daddy's voice. You will not hear me for a while, until your a lot older. I love you a lot, and keep mommy safe for me. I stood up and everyone awwed
Ross: I love you baby
Laura: I love you too
W existed again, before I sighed
Ross: I've got to go
Laura: I know, I know. Goodbye Ross
Ross: goodbye Laura.
I walked to my uncles car. Before I got in I looked back and said 1 final thing
Ross: I'm sorry Laura
Thanks for reading.
Told you it's a sad time
Thanks for being supportive.

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