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I woke up from the bed, I couldn't stop thinking about him all night. I came back from school and laid on the bed giggling while scrolling through his account. He posts a lot of his dog pics, rarely of his. I friended him from my account hoping he will accept my friend request and talk to me.

I checked his following lists, his followers and his followings the whole day making sure he doesn't follow this b!ch today and to know who he's talking with, but I got upset when I saw that he had many female on his friends list.

These bchs should stay away from him if their life means to them, otherwise I will not go easy on any of them

It was night when I just realized that I haven't eaten anything yet since I came back so I made a light snack and ate it on the bed while watching my favorite romantic anime.

My parents are working abroad and they have a very hectic schedule so they couldn't see me often, but I got used to it ever since I was in 8th grade. I live alone in the house knowing my responsibilities and cleaning the house, all from my mother who taught me this from when I was young.

She told me I must learn how to clean the house and how to take care of my body to please my husband later. So I did all those at a young age and I don't regret it. I don't see anyone my she age doing so if Jeon Jungkook sees this he will be impressed by me and definitely wants me as his wife.

I fell asleep while thinking about him and the next day I was supposed to go to school but I didn't wanna wake up from my dream.

The best dream

He he he, i must've thought of him too much that my mind missed him so much. Even in our dreams we were closer than we ever had! Hehe, if you know...

However just like there's a good movie, there's always a bad part. I'm still worried about this girl from class XI-2. I heard that she often invites guys to her bed and it's just-- it's making me feel VERY nervous!

As I thought of that my mind, started thinking about Jungkook.

Don't worry love, I will save you from her.


At lunch time, I ate alone inside one of the bathroom stall.

It's my favorite place at lunch break

As I was throwing away the plastic wrapper, I heard the door open and a group of 2 students walked in, but what caught my attention was the name.

"momo, Nayeon told me that you had 3 clients yesterday. Is that true?" Chaeyoung said.

What client? What is she working?

Momo smirked at herself while applying lip gloss on her lips while pouting "it's true, yesterday I ended up in 3 different 5 star hotels, and one of them was so hot"

"oh my God who is he?!?" chaeyoung gawked as she asked excitedly.

Momo smirked before speaking "he's from our school"

Lisa stopped breathing and her eyes were wide in horror. Suddenly there was darkness on her eyes and a thick tension in the air.

As if the lightning was strucked on her she had a mega hearing sense and her mind was sharper than a knife. She has to find out who she's talking about from their school otherwise she will lose her mind!!

If this is Jeon Jungkook she's talking about, then she's doomed

"come on, tell me who is he" chaeyoung asked teasingly.

"he is one of the guy from XII-2 class, and he's rich, and he told me he will give me a high amount if I gave him some tease after school"

"are you talking about Senior Jeon Jungkook? The school president? Oh my God he is really hot! If it is him then indeed you catched a big fish!" she asked with her mouth open. My ears perked at the sudden question and I wanted to find out the same.

Momo rolled her eyes and looked at her "no it's not him, sadly. I heard someone say he's still a virgin, there's no thrill in that except his hard dick when he stares at me" she said egotistically. They both end up breaking in laughter and Lisa felt nothing more than relief. But there's still part of her telling her that it's not over yet, and she will have to go through more obstacles in the future.

Did she just make fun of his dick and his virginity? Lisa suddenly recalled and her face went uglier as photos flooded before her eyes the frigid scene of her stabbing momo's head over and over with a needled hammer

"oh, too bad. He is good looking anyways, what a shame he lacks skills"

"maybe, I heard that he's actually good at everything so even if he's a virgin I will let him play inside me till he finally learns so I can fuck him all day"

The two girls giggled at each other. They adjusted their clothes and fixed their hair before leaving the restroom. As they finally went, Lisa exited the stall and stared at herself in mirror, one word can describe the look of her face when they see her.


The more she looked at herself the more her gaze softened to tears when she realized how much she pitied her looks.

Momo won the 1st rank cheerleader last year, but it wasn't because of who decides the winners among the teachers, it was because of the boys who were cheering for her.

When she threw her back, everybody could see the clear view of her chest, the hunger amongs their feasting eyes didn't stop them from screaming her name in a cheering tone as momo smiled proudly at herself. This made Lisa feel insecure about something.

I'm just an average girl with no desirable beauty.

I wonder

Would Jungkook even give me a second glance when he sees me? I bet I'm not even his ideal type.

So what does he desire? Just like any men, he desires woman with big chest and ass, and beauty. While me, I got nothing.

But, this won't stop me from not chasing him. I will keep chasing him till he's finally mine.

I stare at myself one time before leaving the restroom.

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