The Odd Cupcake

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Areum knew she should try her best to please Jeon Jungkook, the gorgeous man alive, so she didn't waste a single time and spent half an hour inside the cooking club only to make 3 different flavors of cupcakes.

Of course her 100% efforts weren't to please the school presidents but to make herself pleasing in Jungkook's eyes, she wants to be the only one in the center of his eyes, how amazing would it be one day to show the whole school that she is dating the greatest and the most handsome school president Jeon Jungkook? These girls will seriously envy her!

She can't wait!

"woah what are those cupcakes for?" Sana slided in curiosity making Areum annoyed and roll her eyes.

"nothing, I'm just making it for the school presidents" she said while ignoring her presence hoping that she will come out of her face.

"that's new, do you need any help?" Sana asked kindly.

"no! I don't need your help, go!" Areum broke out making Sana startled by her attitude.

She gave her a judgment look before walking back to the counter, minding her own business. Areum was relieved and continued baking.

How can she let others help her on this and let her take credits for her work? Only she can make it for Jeon Jungkook! She herself!

Once the cupcakes were baked, she took it out, put another toppings and let it sit inside the fridge.


The school finished, everyone packed their belongings. The presidents were all inside their rooms making an important team decisions. It was evening where students go back home, unfortunately the presidents have to stay for another hour inside the school making extra work after classes.

Areum in her neat clothing placed all the mini cupcakes in one cute tray after making sure the cupcakes weren't spoiled.

Making her way to the hall, her hair was tied in buns leaving few curly flocks on each side, she has big doey eyes with small mouth making her look so innocent from the outside and her body in general is small and petite. Some boys couldn't help but gawk, is it just them or has Areum gotten prettier than last time? That's because she's also a make up professionalist and she used tons of make up to cover up her face.

There are some classmates who asked for one cupcake but she declines it saying it was made for the presidents so they didn't argue back.

She sighed in relief when she finally made it, the president's room is located on the second floor in the middle left place. She hates going to that room and she hopes he will rarely use that room in the future so she will have more opportunities with him.

She knocked on the door and realized it was locked when she tried opening it.

Few seconds later the door opens and the School President Yeji comes out "yeah?" she asks the unfamiliar girl.

Areum raised her voice a bit while intentionally making her voice sound cute as she's speaking "hi, I made these cupcakes for all the school presidents. I hope it's enough for all of you"

"wow thank you for taking your time on us, these cupcakes look delicious" Yeji took them from her hand and Areum smiled in irritant.

"I will distribute them each and tell them that this was your work, thank you for the cupcakes we appreciate it" as Yeji was about to close the door Areum asked.

"i- is Jungkook h- here?"

Yeji stopped and looked at her as if she didn't hear her question properly "again?"

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