Senior Jeon's Secret

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Jungkook's gaze landed on her body and froze for a few seconds before looking away while coughing twice "sorry, I came to apologize for earlier. Do you feel okay now?"

"oh.. It's okay, you don't have to apologize. I'm not really sad about that" I explained with my voice cracking. Only to curse at myself in my head for being so tensed. Lisa calm down!

Upon seeing him on the front door I realized, how did he know where I live? The question made me look at him in shock.

He noticed the shock on my face and then explained to himself decently "don't worry, I didn't see your, uhm there..." he said while shyly looking away. I didn't understand what he meant until i saw what I was wearing which is a see through white knitted shirt with no pants, meaning he can see my under...

I didn't notice until he told me, my face is double shocked now. Since I didn't expect him to be at the door now I'm glad that I wore sexy today.

But one question remains. How does he know where I live?

Did he follow me? I shook my head, it's impossible, senior Jeon wouldn't do that, he's a gentleman and has more things to do.

I blushed slightly and turned my head and said "it's okay, come in Senior Jeon!" I asked him as I realized it was getting darker outside.

Jungkook smiled for a bit and answered "sure" as he stepped inside after taking his shoes off.

I cheered inside happily as I welcomed him inside, our shoulders brushed which sent electric flame on my arm that strucked through my heart as I was closing the door.

I was a bit shy to welcome him with only my underwear but slowly I started getting comfortable with him, I slowly imagined the scene that it's as if I'm his wife and my husband just got back from the work and needed to rest inside our house. You may be thinking that I'm too delusional but I am certain that he is going to be mine!

Jungkook looked around my house and turned around and made eye contact with me "your house is nice, where are your parents?" he asked while sitting down.

I walked to the kitchen to pour him a glass of water "they went abroad for business, they will be back next year"

"oh, they're not home?" he
slowly said in a deep voice as I can feel the burning gaze on my lower back.

When I looked at him, my heart skipped a beat and my panties were instantly wet. I couldn't think of anything but the way he's looking at me now reminds me of how he looked at me when I inserted my fingers inside my hole in my wet dream. Does he know how hot he looks like this?

I nodded, uncertain by what that meant. I walked to him and handed him the glass of water. I tried to act normal and pretend like I wasn't gushing out of my hole earlier.

"thank you" he said and took the glass from my hand. I followed my gaze on his long thick hand and I remembered from my wet dream how his thick finger penetrated inside me. I almost lost control of how sexy his hand looks, especially when it's wrapped around my waist. I tried to act normal but my breath trembled when his hand accidentally touched mine and he looked at me before drinking his water. I happend to stare at him as well as he was drinking his water without breaking an eye contact, he was looking at me intensely while drinking his cup making me forget what I was doing. Finally he placed his glass on the table and wiped the water from the corner of his mouth. I finally looked away and sat down next to him.

I fiddled my fingers with a pillow on my lap and didn't know how to start a conversation and I just waited for him to speak. Thankfully he started speaking but the words that came out of his mouth was very unexpected.

"I didn't mean to scold you earlier because of how you wanted to wear the clothes, I think you look beautiful either way, but I know that as your Senior I should warn you about the boys here, they can be a creepy perverts and sexually harass you, and my reaction was just natural as your Senior im worried about your school reputation and most important your future. but I didn't mean to like act angry or scare you"

"senior Jeon... Your words touched my heart. I'm so sorry for my rude behavior earlier, i apologize millions of time" Lisa bowed her head over and over.

Her respectful bow turned into something else, and Jungkook's reaction was so quick. while she was bowing her cleavage was very visible under that sweater, and the black lacy bra scooped her breasts tightly making it look even more desirable, he suddenly has the desire to squeeze them so bad. He imagines her mouth open formed in 'o' with her eyes closed in arouse as she's clutching the bed sheet while he's doing an amazing job of creaming his finger inside her. He swallowed his saliva and quickly looked away. He has to stop having these thoughts about her.

Now he can't help but to think that he's no different from a creepy pervert. Because what Lisa didn't know is that Jungkook occasionally masturbated while imagining her arousing face. But the one he liked the most is when Lisa sits on his pelvis, inserts his dick inside her cunt and starts riding him hard like a cowgirl, and the way her 2 flesh jiggles on front of him was just so.. Everytime he thinks of that he would shoot a lot of his loads inside his secret lotion bottle. Thanks to that it would fill until the tippy top.

"Senior Jeon?"

"yes?" Jungkook's heart beated quickly as if he thought she has read his mind.

"do you have something else to say? I'm afraid it's getting darker outside"

"oh right, I should go now. Thanks for reminding me" Jungkook said as he walks to the door and wore his shoes.

Lisa leans by the door and watches him while secretly smiling.

"good night senior Jeon! Take care on the way!" Lisa said.

"you too, good night!" Jungkook waves his arm before he went away with his bike.

Lisa sighed with a relieved smile and walks back inside as she didn't forget to lock the door.

"this was insane... Senior Jeon was acting like a jealous boyfriend, It can't be mistaken. He definitely likes me, he definitely likes me!" Lisa squeaked and made an awkward happy noise from her throat.

That night she slept very happy.

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