The Special Dish

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Last night was very awesome, I can still feel his seeds moving inside me like a love fish and I didn't want to remove his remaining inside me.

Jungkook looks very sexy and innocent when he's asleep , so I couldn't help but to snap a few photo of him and giggled afterward.

My baby, my boyfriend, I will never let anyone take you away from me. There's only one thing I know I should do...


"mom, mom!!! I told you to clean my room when I'm back from school! Look at all the mess on the floor I can't do all that work!" Areum groaned and threw her bag on the bed and then she slomped herself down the bed. Her mother is probably working over time again.

Then she took out her phone from her bag and layed flat on her stomach "I'm going to send a text message to Senior Jeon, but what should I send him... Ha, maybe this is great" she thought and soon she typed something.


She paused when she heard a light creak from the bed under her, even though she's laying on top of her bed but that random noise made her anxious for a second.

Then she rolled her eyes and laughed "silly me, this made me anxious for a second. Who else would be in my room"


The random voice jolted her heart and she quickly turned around but it was too late. The sharp knife landed on her stomach and she screamed in pain. Lisa took out a knife again but Areum quickly moved away and fell from behind to the floor with her hand on her stomach.

She groaned but she started crawling back as Lisa walks closer to her.

"Lin Lisa! Get away, what do you want from me!"

Lisa smirked and walked closer "I want you dead, you can't interfere with my life and Senior Jeon again"

"okay okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Take him, take him I won't ever get in between you two. Please don't kill me, please" Areum's eyes turned red from crying too much and the stab was too deep.

"oh I'm not the one who's gonna kill you, Senior Jeon will"

Areum looked at her in disbelief and said "what..?"

Another figure came out from her closet with a boiling water. He looked at the bleeding person below and smiled in satisfaction.

"good, after that stab the pain is already deep enough, if you pour the boiling water it's gonna cook her liver very well therefore she will die with a lot of torture" Jungkook said nonchalantly.

"Senior Jeon, why are you doing this to me" Areums started crying and she was already past regret.

"you heard what Senior Jeon said? Don't blame me if I pour this boiling water on your wound if Senior Jeon wants to!" then Lisa giddily took the boiling kettle from his hand and kissed his cheek.

"wait wait, WAIT!!! AHHHH!!!!"

A sharp, loud, horrifying and murderous scream filled their ears as Lisa pours the boiling water over her wound and Jungkook watches her with a supportive smile. Not even a minute later the scream died down, and she died.

Before they left, Jungkook wanted to take her liver and eat it with her so he placed the liver inside a plastic bag and fled from the scene, leaving the only person who will enter the room few hours later in shock and suffer from seizure from seeing her daughters lifeless corpse.

Inside her home, Lisa was sitting on the dining table as Jungkook cooks their special meal featuring human liver.

Lisa prepared all the utensils, the plates the alcohol, and the salad and Jungkook finally finished cooking their main dish. He took off his apron after sprinkling some basels on top of the meat and then went to the table.

"wow this looks so delicious!" Lisa couldn't help but get excited to taste her rivals meat. It was a victory to her that not only did she defeat her but now she's gonna eat her!

"let me cut it for you" Jungkook held a fork and a knife and lightly cut the meat, then he placed it towards her mouth and she ate the piece.

"mmmh~" Lisa moaned then smiled at him.

"is it good?" Jungkook asked her.

"yes, it's so delicious! Let me feed you as well" Lisa said then she cut the pieces down and fed him romantically.

Each piece of meat was like an orgasm in his mouth when Lisa fed him, so he couldn't help but to kiss her lip and drag her to her room again for another round.


The end.

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