Senior Jeon Is Angry By My Skirt

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It was 4 PM, the school bell rang and everybody was leaving the class while carrying their important belongings.

On the final class I have been in the bathroom for the entire period arranging my clothes and wearing make up.

I plan to confess my love today to my senior but he has to see me look good first I learned the make up from my mother, she told me not to wear a heavy make up otherwise it'll look cakey so I added very light with pink lipstick. I then looked at my body in the mirror and realized that I never showed my curves.

Without thinking I lifted my skirt up to show more of my thighs, then I undid few of my buttons of my blouse to show my cleavage.

I sighed when I realized this didn't do anything but make my shoulders look big, so I did the buttons again and tried another ways but I didn't feel satisfied with my body.

I suddenly remembered how everyone was staring at Momo in lust, she didn't do much with her body but she actually has curves, while I don't. I started thinking how can I make my body look curvier.

I looked at my high knees socks and started removing them both. Then I made them into two balls and placed them under my shirt.


I quickly removed them off before anybody sees it. Ew ew ew! That will be a turn off because it was way too big. I don't understand why men's like big breast woman.

I sighed and fixed my bangs. I checked myself in the mirror and practiced my smile before grabbing my stuffs and left the stall.

I checked the boys stall next to me and it was silent. I remember hearing momo scream earlier inside. I wonder what happend. The screaming noise was terror but it's so refreshing to hear.

I shrugged, I could care less about her anyways.

As I was walking my mind was full of senior Jeon from class XII-2. I didn't realize that I was smiling so hard as I imagined us together having family already. He's gonna be my husband, I know that.

I failed to realize how the male classmates were looking at me in lust, because my skirt is much shorter than it was that they couldn't keep their gaze away from my skirt. Maybe because it's new, I just kept walking straight and my skirt kept swaying back and forth as I was getting excitedly closer to his class.

I looked through the window first and my heart skipped a beat when I saw his charming face while siting on his table arranging his back pack.

I walked inside the room until there were few people around and said in a low shy voice "senior Jeon"

When he heard my voice, he stopped arranging his stuff and smiled at me. For some reason I felt like this smile came indirectly for me, not like a respectful smile, his gaze was filled with passionate. I felt my breath froze and my cheeks immediately turned red "it's you, the girl from class X-3. Where are you going looking so nice today?" he asked me while slightly shaking his head.

"oh, y- you noticed me?" I blushed when he knows that I'm from X-3 class even though I never told him!!!

"I mean, you look different.." he said as he looked at my body from top to the bottom, suddenly he stopped mid my thigh and I also felt my breath froze as I was observing his reaction.

"d- do you like it? I- i i mean do I look nice like this?" I asked him out of worry that I might have humiliated myself on front of him.

He broke his gaze and his eyes weren't passionate anymore but for some reason I felt my heart beating so fast when I saw how angry he looked.

He suddenly got up and walked closer to me, I tried not to seem flustered as I was walking back, but I was stopped when his hand held my waist and pulled me close to him. I froze and looked at him, he was looking somewhere else and then I suddenly felt his hand pulling down my skirt, but my nerves froze when his hand brushed lightly on my thigh perhaps by accident. As I zoned out his ear was on front of my face, and that's when I realized how close we are, I look so small next to him.

My skin got goosebumps when he suddenly said "Lisa don't ever show your body like that, are you trying to impress somebody? Is it a boy? Well it doesn't matter, I don't want to see you dress like that to school ever again. As your senior you should listen to me when I say this!"

I can feel the anger on his voice but I couldn't understand. Aren't guys supposed to like it when my body is slightly revealed? Why did it sound like I was cursing his eyesight instead?

My mouth went downward and I felt my heart shattering, when he let go, I didn't bother to say goodbye and immediately walked away.

"Lisa, Lisa? Wait, I didn't mean to-"

I can hear him calling me from far away but I quickly walked away as I was so mad from him.

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