Ended Her

600 16 18

Once a slut always a slut. Not only will her reputation be ruined, but her future is ruined as well

With the sound of a mouse click, I finally posted the tea.


Momo walked in the school with her heels clicking on the floor like any other days. Holding her back pack with her both hands and having her head up. She was walking while having full of egos after spending the night with another client. Perhaps it was because she was so egotistic she didn't notice the glances the people were giving her.

Some girls gave her a disgusting look, the other were pointing fingers at her before whispering at each other's earth, and the boys were glancing at her body and giving a pervert look.

Momo's body jumped when the guy suddenly whistled at her as he walked  past her, this made her nervous and she kept walking faster to her locker.

She was about to get there when a hand suddenly slapped her ass.

"hey!" she turned around and yelled at the person but the person with no shame lowered his glass and looked at her tities with a smirk as he kept walking.

Momo felt annoyed and she yelled "stop it, creep!" feeling angry she quickly opened her locker to take out her things. She looked around, she felt something was off today and went to search her friends group.

It seems like they were trying to hide from her momo couldn't spot them anywhere, her eyes roamed around until she accidentally made an eye contact with the guy she had a one night stand with.

He quickly looked away as if nothing happend while holding his lolipop on his mouth.

Momo shuts her eyes then went around to search for her friends group.

Upon going up the roof she spotted them all hanging out together, momo walked to them and called them out.

Nayeon side glanced her before rolling her eyes with a smirk. Chaeyoung and Mina made a mocking scoff at her.

"what's wrong with you guys today?" momo said, almost yelling her voice out from the uneasiness.

"hirai, are we even besties after this? You humiliated yourself everywhere, go fuck somewhere else" Nayeon scoffed at her and Momo's eyes almost fell out of the socket.

"Nayeon, are you crazy?! What the fuck are you saying?!? Yah! What did I do to you guys?!!" momo screamed her lungs out in anger.

Nayeon looked at her with murderous gaze "honey I kept your dirty secret safe and I warned you before that if this ever spreads out then you better handle this by yourself, but it looks like your cunt is itching a lot and you need 10 dicks inside to satisfy you" nayeon spoke before saying the next line in anger "and then you also decided to fuck my boyfriend too? You fucking bitch. Come here you little slut im gonna fucking kill you!"

Momo's eyes widened as she realized she was exposed, suddenly she was on the floor and a huge slap went through her face.

"you nasty whore, I want to fucking kill you!" Nayeon grabbed her hair and kicked her waist several times as momo kept screaming for help. But no one was in the balcony except one person who's watching the drama from far. She was sitting at the highest roof sun bathing.

Chaeyoung and Mina joined as well and hit her with their back pack.

"i- I didn't! Really, nayeon you know I only work at the club. I-i didn't know!" momo tried to defend herself but to no avail.

"don't fucking lie! You're a whore, how dare you do this dirty act with my boyfriend you're a crazy fucking psychopath!" Nayeon kneed her face hard and momo fell unconscious.

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