Chapter 2

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A moment passed and Rimuru found himself standing in the clear sky that belonged to the nearly 20 years before. He was in the capital of Ingrassia above of the outer walls. And he saw a couple people that saying goodbye to eachother. One of them was Shizu and the other was Yuuki.

'Wow... It really has been a while.'

Although both of them look exatcly like what he remember. He still got a little nostalgic.

'Well i denifetly didn't miss Yuuki tho.'

Rimuru understood everything happening with just one look but he still asked to Ciel to be sure.

[Yes! To according the information i have. This is the when Shizu leaves the capital and starts traveling to find the Demon Lord Leon.]

'So i thought.'

But the thing that cathed his eyes more was that no-one except Yuuki was there to send her off.

'It's probably she didn't wanted to see kids crying. She must have bid her farewell at school.'

Tought Rimuru to himself. And he descended from sky to their side. Even though he was able hear from afar he wanted to be close. And when he clearly heard her voice, his heart iched a little.

"Yuuki take care of them good, okay?"

"Okay master but are you really sure that you want to go?"

"We already talked this."

"I know but..."

"You are not a kid anymore and you already know it's not good for me to be inside a city."

Yuuki frowed. Shizu wanted to lower her gaze after seing that but she could not do so.

"So please--"

But without her being able to finish her sentence Yuuki let out a sigh.

"Okay~ I'll properly do it so you don't have to say it again."

Shizue chuckled a bit. But Rimuru's angry gazed head towards him.

'Wasn't this bastard going to sold childeren to Leon? And he says he'll good take care of them?'

Leon too particully didn't do anything bad towards children but he didn't take care of them either. So knowing that he got a little bit angry.

But when he was looking towards him Yuuki's eyes instanly looked where he is. Even though he was perfectly hiding with Ciel's magic. And there was nothing in there to see.

'H-huh? Ciel-san?!'

[We are still hiding with magic and there is no way for him to dedect our presences.]


[Yes... But it seems he still unconsciously was able to feel Master's anger towards him. But there is no danger as he instantly shifted his gaze.]

'Even after all this time this bastard is still the same.'

While Rimuru was having these thoughs, Shizue and Yuuki hugged each other tightly. Yuuki made a hand gesture and one of knights who was standing in cale's gate bring a horse to Shizue. Shizue put her mask on and got on to horse. She look back and waved at Yuuki and Yuuki waved too. And finally she started to her long-awaited journey.

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