Chapter 11

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Half a day passed since we leave the town and sun was already sinking between two hills. While we were crossing a territory called Wild Hills, i have been in this place before but i didn't know it actually had a name and only though it as normal hills. This time it was Shizue-san who informed me about this place. Only with a couple word though.

Even though i didn't want it to be that way our travel went really silent. I know i should try to learn more thing about Shizue-san instead of wasting my time like this but still i just couldn't bring myself to open a proper conservation.
And when i finally did and tried to talk, Shizue-san answered me only with nods and annoyed glances. After that I pcompletely went silent because of it. When we first met she was with Kabal and his group and they are definetly much louder than me so I don't understand why she is so harsh with me.
So i couldn't ask anything i wanted to ask her. But something insteresting happened when we were crossing the Wild Hills, we saw an intelligent monster tribe along the way. They were few in numbers so i don't if it can really be called a 'tribe' but still from the looks of it, I think they were actually a tribe but got reduced to this number during their travel.
She didn't show any emotion but i can see Shizue-san got stiffened. I was a little confused as well. Because I didn't understand how they managed to came this far, where we are a half day distance to a town.
So i suggest to Shizue-san:
"Wanna look what they are doing?"
She gave me a look her face is still covered with her anti-demon mask but i can feel that she was suprised little.

''It will be dangeorus.''1
''That's why i am saying that, i wanna help.''

She paused and stared to me so i explained.

''You were going to look what they were doing anyway, right?''
''How did you know?''
''Just a hunch.''
''A hunch, huh?''

She sound a little playfull while saying it. This came to me as a suprise but i properly hid it and it seemed a good time to talk so i continued.

''Do you know which species they are?''
''There are a couple of monster nest in the area but i have never heard of something like these.''

She sounded right, these monster had weapons with them. And even now they were taking care of their wounded ones. Normally even intelligent monsters would get rid of wounded ones. But the fact they are not doing that means that they are not just a little smart but smart enough to properly understand and express their feelings. And i never heard of them myself so i think they are gonna get wiped down in a couple of days.
I actually wanna help them but normally you can't find a adventurer who help monsters. And even though there is a little chance that they came here without any human noticing, it seems more likely that they killed a couple of patrol at least.
I wonder if they are from Orc's territory. Everyone in that area should have been miserable right now. And there is only a couple of month before Orc Lord starts his conquest so maybe they came here while running away from them. And apparently got strayed from their path.
[I checked it up and Master's guess is right. And although this specie doesn't have a proper name, their ancestor is same with induval Benimaru and other ogres. But their devolepment is lower than theirs.]
I think so to, i realized while looking at it. And a couple of them have little horns that come out from their heads. And they are the toughest ones of the group. So unlike unlike Benimaru's ancestor, who kept their blood pure, their ancestor probably interracted with others species. And they lost their pure blood because of it, losing their Powers as well. Their ancestor must be smarter than them cause i don't think even these monster would came together with a race weaker than them, so only reason their ancestor did that is probably they fell in love with each other. And that means they were much more able to express their feelings.

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