Chapter 18

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Rimuru's POV:

After we left the camp I made we countinued our journey a couple days more. In that time I felt like I was getting closer to Shizue-san but other than that there hasn't been anything. On the day, when there has been only two day left before I had to return, Shizue-san didn't talk for nearly a whole day then in the evenning she suddenly giggled and even made a emberassed expression when I look to her. I couldn't help but tease a little when I saw her like that. Then she suddenly became all serious and asked me:

''Who are you? Answer me properly this time.''

I tried to brush it aside but it didn't work. I don't know what kind of expression I was making when I look at her but I very well know how did I feel. It was... Painfull. All the painfull things that this person had to suffer... Even remembering that was painfull for me. How much did she had to suffer until she came to this point?

When Shizue-san was dying I said to her, that I would bear her anger and anguish towards the world and said that I would take care of her regrets. Even though I said this to lessen her suffering, by no means I lied to her or took her feelings lightly. Still I didn't know that this person suffered this much. But it's not like there was anything more I can do for her, except this. Maybe not just because I like her but mostly because of this I came back?

''Do you really wanna know?''

If the reason I came back was that then I can't sit idly anymore.


She said without hesitation.

''Then let me show you.''

And I answered same way as her. I showed her future, not all of it of course. I kept the part about Yuuki hidden. And I didn't showed her other painfull things too. This is my selfishness, I know, but if she doesn't want to come with me then I don't want her to suffer more while thinking about future in her final moments. Instead I want her to taste, at least, a little hope and happiness thinking about the how beautiful is future of this world and her loved ones is.

Memorie Exchange didn't even took a one second. And when it finished she collapsed, I quickly catch her. I hear her murmiring.

''You... You... Is this true?''

Her voice started to crack.

''All of this... Are they real?''

And her tears started to feel, silently, behind her mask.

''All of this true. I came from future.''


''I know how much you hate this world, so I wanted to show you how beautiful can this world be.''

She was gasping for her so I took her mask off from her face. She tried to stopped me. But then stop when I talked her.

''It's okay. Nothing gonna happen.''


[Of course, master.]

I already forccefull entered her soul to show memories. So it's not a problem for Ciel to suppress Ifrit, who exist in her astral body.

''See? Nothing happaned.''

I saw her face covered in tears when I took her mask off. Her eyes wide and still panting.

''You didn't came just because of this. Did you?''

I paused before talking.

''...I can take you with me.

Wanna come?''

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