Chapter 14

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I hope evething would end just with this but really problem is still Ifrit. I stopped one of his magic but he can do that again. But I don't have other magic bag and doing the same thing like this is a play in theatre would be boring. So we have to end this. I took anti-demon mask and ran straight toward Shizue-san.

Except above of her shoulders her whole body was still buried. And because of that Ifrit couldn't protect himself from the explosion that magic bags has caused. Normally this explosions would be so small to even notice but since they sucked Ifrit's magic they became big enough to deal damage to him but not big enough to free him.

But this wasn't enough to knock him down too. But if this fight takes any longer I think Shizue-san might get hurt. So right now it's better to leave it to Ciel-san.

[Of course.]

So while I was putting anti-demon mask to Shizue-san Ciel was already blocking Ifrit from controlling Shizue-san's body. So it was an easy task. But even after I put mask on she didn't wake up. Is it because..?

[Yes. It is because of the fatigue.]

So I waited for a couple of hours to pass while checking the other monsters and making a proper camp area. Since i destroyed the magic bags i dıdn't had anything to make a camp. I can just comjure anything I want but I can't explain to her how I did it. So i only used to materials i found in the area. Shizue-san woke up when it was nightime, right after whne I built the camp fire. First she looked around aimlessly, still lying on the simple bed I made for her from monsters skin, her questioning eyes fell upon me and then she literally jumping out from the bed.

''He? Wha- what happaned?''

''It's me Sora. Do you remember anything?''

''Sora-san? But-but how?''

She fell back to the bed, powerlessly. And clenched her fist while breathing heavly. Look around with fear in her eyes taking everything in as I was walking towards her. I went next her and crouched. That was when i saw that her hand was bleeding. She was clenching her fist so hard that her nails were dug into her flesh and it was bleeding. So I gripped her hand and slowly opened it then hold it with mine. Her eyes focused on me again. And I said:

''It's okay.''

She bit her lower lips. And her face became disorted trying to hold back her tears. Then I spoke again.

''I am alive.''

As if she was waiting to this she burst into tears. She tried to held back her hiccups by bitting her lips. But couldn't do it. I couldn't hold myself either when I saw her crying like that, I grasped her shoulders then tightly hugged her. Even though we stayed like this for a while instead of calming down her hiccups became louder and louder. Then finally quited down. But when I was about to let her she hugged me too. And asked with a whispering voice:

''You really are alive, right? You are here?''

Among all the persons Shizue-san knows I am sure just a couple of them knows the weight of these questions. And since, right now, I am someone that just met her a couple days ago it would be better to give her a short or a jokingly answer. But I can't do that because I understand this weight.

''Yes... Nothing happened to me, or to anyone else. I stopped the Ifrit.''


She grew quiet while still holding me. She didn't start to cry again but I felt little trembling of her shoulders.

''Thank you...''

She said after letting me go. I put a little distance between us and started to talk to get rid of this weird atmosphere.

''Wait a little, I will prepare something to eat now.''


There was a little forest nearby, I hunted a monster who knows for its good qualitly fur over there. I made Shizue-san's bed and a tent with that, although I didn't put the bed inside of tent since being close to fire is warmer. And catched some fish from the stream I found in the forest. I made a little box from woods and put all of the fish in there with some ice, to prevent them from stinking. I wanted to use monster's meat too but it was poisonous. I couldn't find anything I could us for seasoning in the forest. So I made them myself. It's okay to cheat a little. Of course I could do everything by making themself byself and it wouldn't even take a second but after doing everything I only would over-worry about Shizu-san condition even though there was nothing to worry about.

[You could've give her fatigue potion to wake her up.]

Ciel-san you know patience is one of the seven great virtue, right?

[...I understand.]

I put eveyting inside of the tent. So I went to took them and then I realized Shizue-san was watching me. I think she is still a little nervous about the whole situation. But there isn't anything more to comfort her right now expect giving her some good food. So I acted like a didn't realized her stare.

I took anything I need from tent. And went back to fire. After putting more wooden in it. I finally started to grill the fishs. It didn't take long for a nice scent to fill the quiet camp.

I peeked behind me only to see Shizue-san practically drooling. I chuckled a little and said:

''Aren't you coming?''

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