Chapter 12

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We were in a mile distance when Shizue-san first felt them. And we got a little closer since then and in a couple hours night came. Thankfully there wasn't full moon tonight so they were having trouble seeing around, this was obviously beneficial for us. And they weren't able to feel us coming too. I am properly hiding myself from 'magic sense'. Shizue-san was doing the same but not good as me. So I was a little worried maybe they would feel her but it didn't happened.

We countinied to observe them while they were seting up their camp in a place surrounded by large rocks between two hills. Because of the large worck it became diffucult to observe them with eye, it was possible with magic sense but it came with the risk of being noticed and there can be a couple of movement slip through it too. So Shizue-san wanted to make eye content with them and we got closer. I found a place in a hill opposing to theirs. We got to the top of the hill to observe them. We didn't set up a camp but simply put our backpack to ground. And Shizue-san took off her mask, i wore the same mask so I know it's impossible to see through it without having magic sense. When I saw her face after all these your I felt a little nostalgic and paused a little, while unknowingly staring to her. Because of it she paused and stared me back.

''Something happened?''

''Hmm? Oh-no nothing happened.''

She continued stare to me a little. Then turned back.

''Don't lose focus.''


One of thing i noticed about Shizue-san during these couple day is that she is really kind. I mean i already knew that and i met a lot of people who were kind to me, there isn't even one person at Tempest who would act rude towards me. And i know even if someone did that their soul would immediately get destroyed by Diablo or Shion or it could be even Shuna knowing that she is really sensetive about me. But Shizue-san is not like that, not just to the ones she knows and loves. But she is kind towards everybody, even if that someone is a monster. In this world specially around this time, when there isn't any hero to guide humans and monsters breaking havoc. While everybody knows that Eastern Empire is about to attack Western Countries. There isn't much hope left for people. A lot of people dies everyday so to survive through this without losing hope is hardening tour heart. But Shizue-san didn't do that. I guess that's the reason why her heart got broken so many times. And eventually started to hate this world.

I was lost in my thoughs while Shizue-san was really observing mosnters. But again rather than them i only focused on Shizue-san, secretly of couse. And it was obvious that she was having trouble deciding what to do. She can't kill all of them in her current state. She knows I am strong but doesn't know how strong I am. But I think she can guess too that, with two of us we can kill them but doesn't take her chance on doing that since even if we are stronger they completly outnumber us.

So one of us could die or get heavily wounded during the fight, in a moment of careeless. I know the reason why she usually travelled along. It's because she didn't want to see someone dying.

There is of course other choices like one of us staying here to watch them while other goes back to inform the knights in the town. But if the one who stay got noticed by them he would easily get killed.

There is no way that they would be able to beat me but rather than taking care of these monsters I wanna watch what Shizue-san will do. And killing them all would leave a bitter taste on my mouth, so I didn't wanted to do that.

Being done with observing her I whispired, leaning close:

''Someone should take a night shift around now. I can wait about three hour. So you sleep.''

''I think it would be better for me to do it.''

''No, you are close quarter right? If this ever turns into a fight you can get killed in a moment of careless. So you should be in your best form. While I am a magician. So I am not going to be close to these guys anyway.''

Shizue-san looked to me for a second and then silently answered me:

''Okay, I'll trust you.''

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