Chapter 17

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Shizue's POV:

What an odd man. He is full of mysteries.

He is a stronghold even Ifrit couldn't manage to bring down. He always have this laid-back attitude and it doesn't matter what he does he always brimming with confidence. But not like arragonce more like he is sure he can do everything he wants. People like him are like a dim of light in the darkness. They enchants every creature lives in that dark, showing them what they are, where they are and, maybe, even a way out. But if he really is like that then how I didn't heard anything about him until now?

After establish the first branch of the Free Guild first thing Yuuki did was to gather strong people to join his cause. And help him build various branchs in various countries. For that cause I even help him met with my old acquaintances from my adventurer's days. In the end he nearly conviced all fo them to join him, which was a big suprise even to me, and they together gathered many strong adventurers from all over the world. Thanks to this, war power of the Free Guild rised with leaps and bonds and thus help them convice little countries to make deals with them.

So why nobody couldn't find him while they were gathering all these champions or so called hereos. It's possible that no-one realized this man until now but considering his behaviour and the fact that how everthing he does is near perfect, there is no way for Yuuki to overlook someone like him.

But all of them means something if he is a human adventurer...

I very well know among the majins that serves demon lords there are ones who could handle Ifrit without breaking sweat, just like him. But it's more ridiculous if he really is a majin. Although they are monsters too, majins are entirely different than your daily monsters. They only care about power and nothing else. They only show respect if you are stronger than them and wouldn't even spare a look to the weaks. Although not all of them are same and some of them can act mercifull according to their whipms, in the end if you don't have power to make them recognize you, you can't even hope to hold a proper conservation with them.

So this is entirely goes agains the excuse he gave to me saying he saved me because he likes me, it was absurd from the start. So there is no way for a majin to gave that kinda excuse or help me this far.

Then what does he wants? I have no idea if he is a majin or a human but one thing is certain. That is, the fact that he too must have a goal a reason to do all of these, something he wants to achive. But what is it? Am I somehow related to his goal? But there isn't anything he can gain by helping me.

And how can he know so many things about me, or rather why is he acting like he knows everything about me? This behaviour of his is really frustuating. But I couldn't ignore him either. Because even though I don't know who he is or what does he want. I still couldn't help but get enchanted by him.

Because I am too one of the creatures that lives in darkness...

His voice keeps echoing in my head:

''You are kind of at fault for hiding it too.''
''Then what I am supposed to do?''
''Isn't obvious what to do? Ask for help.''

And I can't help but wonder:

'if I really want his help. Would he really help me? With his power can't I accomplish my goal?' Tempting thoughs are fiiling my head. I feel like I can trust him but the fact that I don't know anything about him makes me feel uneasy too. And even if he really helps me, it is still a wonder if we would be able to enter or leave Demon Lord Leon's contient. We are simply outmacthed. So helping me means tossing away his own life. There is no way I can want his help even though knowing that...

'Well, at least it's a relief that I am same person until the end. And still didn't get corrupted by Ifrit.' I couldn't help but laugh a little to my own thoughs.

Then I heard his voice:

''...What are you laughing at?''


I drift away because of my thoughts and completely forgot he is next me, when I realized that I felt like my face was growing red because of the embarrassment. 'It's a relief I am wearing my mask' or so I though but it seems like my mask wans't strong enough to block his gaze because next moment he gave me a suprised look and burst out laughing.

''Hahaha, what kind of face is that?''

''Tha-that is..!''

''I never though there would be a day when I see you like this.''

He said while still laughing. Then he suddenly paused, probably realized how the words he had spoken can be interpret.

''Let's go we still have a long way, right?''

He said. Clearly trying to avoid the topic.

The thing he just said can very well interpret as that he actually knew me before the time I met him a couple days ago. But still I don't remember or know anything about him.

So I didn't let this chance to slip away.

''Who are you?''

I said while he was passing next to me to take the lead.

''Answer me properly this time.''

When I saw his face after he slowly turned back to me, I was conviced.

'Ah... This person and I have really met before.'

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