Chapter 7

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And at that time finally guards stood up. Apologize to me while bowing. I took my ID and finally passed the gate. And when I looked around a little I realized that everyone was looking towards me.

All according to plan!


Is Ciel-san tired?

[No, I am not.]

Oh and now she seems a little grumpy so let's just ignore her this time.

After entering the town I directly went towards Guild Branch. According to my clone there are 3 hours until Shizue come here. So let's just make a little fuss.

So when I was entering the guild building I heard a scream. And many others came after that.


My clone was the one set this up, he made a scene where I can shine so rumors would spraed much faster. Normally I wouldn't do this kind of thing but there are only 3 hour left before Shizue come so I have set this place up quickly. And my clone is going to prevent anyone from getting hurt so only damage will be toward buildings. And to prevent that let's get rid of them quickly.

Monster were fast but all of them actually still out of the town. They are just running. Probably my clone gave a little aura to scare them so none of these monsters running towards town. They are running away from danger. But still you guys unlucky to get involve my plan.

I run to the town egde and jumped on top of the wall, which was only 6 meter high. As I was alreaIy hearing screams of guards.


My otherself really screwed up, there are really too many. And they are running pretty fast on top of that even if they don't directly attack the wall if all of them bump it, this wall surely will break.

Guards are weak but still they seem a little experinced. They must know how to dealt with monsters cause only a couple of them were screaming. But even though they are not going crazy there is not many things they can do. Probably knowing this one of them, probably head Knight cause he was B class, order someone to go the guild and bring magicans.

Hehe, smart guy did he understand that monsters aren't going to attack here? That's way he is only going to defend the walls with magic. But still monsters are too fast. Even though many of them will avoid the walls some of them wil still bump into it.  So the wall will break before magicans come, If I weren't here that's is. No monster would attack today if I weren't here too but let's just ignore that.

Actually no-one realized me jumping, so I decided to make my presence know.

"Do you wanna put a second wall before them?"

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