Sick Childe

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[ Author note: having c*vid is not fun. 0/10 do not recommend, I cannot live laugh love in these conditions. ]

[ Content warning: none. Absolute fluff. *Childe is called Ajax in this (mostly by Zhongli)*]


The moment Ajax woke up, he knew something was wrong. His entire body ached, and when putting the back of his palm to his forehead, he found was burning up. A few coughs came out of his dry throat, when he tried to sit up and tough it out. It didn't work; and he collapsed backward on the bed, groaning. He could just tell everyone at the bank tomorrow some excuse for his absence. If he were to tell that he was sick, it would make the Fatui harbinger look rather weak- exactly how he felt right now. He sighed, curling back up in the sheets trying not to worry about that for now. That was future Ajax's problem.

Just as he was drifting off to dreams, a knock on the door woke him up.

Seriously?! He groaned, rolling around. He tried not to make too much noise, though, then maybe his coworkers would think that he wasn't there and out completing commissions or something.

"Childe? Are you in here?" A familiar voice spoke with caution.

Ajax knew who it was, but that doesn't mean he planned on talking back. He wasn't exactly to happy to have Zhongli at his door- probably asking for some mora, after what happened with the traveler and Signora. In fact, he was still angry. Just thinking about it made his blood boil; which probably wasn't great, since his fever already had him feeling 100 degrees hotter than normal. He hoped Zhongli would take the silence as a hint, and go away, but the ex-god persisted.

"Childe. I'm coming in." He spoke again, not giving Ajax any time to reply. Upon hearing his door open (despite being locked) he freaked out, and fell off the bed tangled in blankets. "Oh my. Are you alright?"

"'M fine." He replied, not showing his face and continued to stay face down on the floor. The thought of Zhongli seeing him this weak and disgusting made him feel embarrassed, and he most certainly did not want Zhongli's pity for him.

"Are you....Going to stay on the floor?" Zhongli asked, taking note that the harbinger was not even dressed. Something was clearly wrong.

"Well, it is pretty comfortable... How'd you get in, anyways?"

"You act like I don't know how to pick a lock." Zhongli stately plainly.

"Creepy. Do you just go breaking into every house in Liyue begging for mora?"

"I am not here for mora. I am here to chat, but it would be much easier if you faced me when talking. It is quite rude."

"Trust me, you do not want to see this mess, Mr.Zhongli," Ajax sighed, pointing to himself weakly. "Can it wait?"

"It cannot. So therefore I will help you get up."

"W-Wait, No!" Ajax protested, weakly squirming as he felt Zhongli's gloved hands wrap around his torso, scooping him up into a bridal carry. He felt Zhongli's eyes scan all over his body, taking note.


"P-Put me down!" Ajax coughed into his elbow, away from Zhongli.

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