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Author Note: So sorry for all the shorter chapters!! I'm working on some longer ones, so I keep publishing these to give you guys some content in between! Also, my Ayato and Thoma story is now up! If you like them too you should go read it :>!

Content Warning: Some mentions of scars/wounds, blood, violence mentions, swearing.


"I'm getting pretty tired of this, you know." Zhongli scolded in a cold tone, carrying his lover on his shoulder. His legs were dangling in front of him as he walked, slumped over like a bag of potatoes as Zhongli carried him to their home, where he knew he would be given a whole ass lecture.

"I am too, Zhongli." Childe groaned. "If I was stronger, then maybe this wouldn't keep happening."

The Archon scoffed. "If you weren't such a dumbass, this wouldn't keep happening. How many times must I say it? The traveler has defeated even the Raiden Shogun. You are simply no match, no matter how hard you train. You must give in to the fact that you will not win every battle."

Zhongli sat Childe down carefully on the bed, making sure he does not lie down yet before the wounds were properly taken care of. He sighed in annoyance once again as he went to get some bandages and a swab to clean up where blood was drawn.

The Archon then kneeled down, cupping Childe's chin in his hand and began to patch him up. The Harbinger winced at the pain a few times, but ultimately stayed still. It's nothing he hasn't gone through before. "Your recklessness is going to get yourself killed, Ajax. Please do not leave me to suffer the rest of my eternity without you longer than I need too."

The use of his real name made the ginger whine slightly, leaning in to put his arms around his lover's neck. He could tell how upset Zhongli was- and although he didn't see the problem, he knew it wasn't up for debate. "I'm sorry...Can you ever forgive me?"

Zhongli rolled his eyes. "I suppose so, since it was only a few scratches...Still, they did a number on your pretty face..."

"Ahaha...About that..."

Zhongli raised an eyebrow, giving his lover a warning glance.

"Don't be mad. Please." Ajax looked up at him with pleading eyes that normally worked, but Zhongli looked especially angry. He couldn't understand why his lover always had to go and chase danger? He knew fighting and training was part of being the Fatui, but this was just Childe being Childe, seeking a fight.

Though, Zhongli's angry glare made Ajax flush a light shade of pink. Why must he be so attractive when upset.

"I'm already quite angry with you. The travelers blade has gotten too close to you once again, I'm afraid if this level of fighting continues you both will be in for an earful. Now, show me where it hurts."

Ajax winced as he unbuttoned part of his uniform, showing a slash on his back. Zhongli cringed. It wasn't a deep wound, but it still did not look good with dried blood surrounding it. Again, it wasn't like Ajax hadn't gotten a wound like this before, so it was nothing new to him.

The traveler was sure to find a couple of rocks crashing next to their bed tonight.

The Archon grumbled under his breath before getting a wet towel and bringing it over to clean off the dried blood and provide relief. He waited for Ajax to look at him, like he was ready for the pressure to be applied. When he nodded, he placed a hand on Ajax's stomach to keep him still, then placed the towel on the wound. To his surprise, Ajax made a funny sound and covered his mouth quickly.

"I would say I'm sorry if that hurt, but this was your own doing," Zhongli merely replied.

"I-It's not that, it's okay...Just, never mind." Ajax stuttered, exhaling when the towel was removed and Zhongli grabbed the bandage wrap. "B-Be careful please."

Zhongli raised an eyebrow. "As if I wouldn't be with you?"

It was relatively quiet as Zhongli wrapped the bandages around Ajax, except every time he had to wrap around the front of him where his  stomach was, he covered his mouth and looked away. Zhongli began to notice, and stopped. "Is your stomach okay?"

"Y-Yes it's alright-AH!" Ajax protested as he was pushed back on the bed roughly, with Zhongli on top of him.

"Don't lie to me. What's wrong? The traveler didn't break any of your ribs, did they?" Zhongli stared feeling around his chest and stomach, trying to get a reaction. He did get one, just not the one he was expecting.

"Z-Zhongli quiahahatt it!!" He whined. Was he laughing? Now Zhongli was interested.

"What is so funny? I am merely trying to help."

He knew full well he was teasing Ajax, but that's what he gets for this whole mess.

"Y-You're ticklahahing you little- AHHH!" Ajax's laughter echoed the room as Zhongli began to actually tickle him, scribbling his fingers all over his bare chest and tummy. He was careful not to get near his wounds, though.

"Are you going to stop fighting the traveler? Are you going to stop coming home with wounds, both big and small?"

"Y-Yes I promahahaiseee!!" Ajax giggled, looking up at his lover for mercy. They both knew he was lying; being battle-hungry was just part of his nature in the Fatui. However, Zhongli was enjoying teasing him like this, and seeing something he didn't always get to- Ajax's cute laughter and flushed face. Besides the cheeky laugh he makes in battles, Zhongli hasn't heard his real laughter in a long time.

Not to mention, it distracted him from all his anger.

"Mmm...I don't believe you." He simply replied, digging his fingers into Ajax's ribs. The ginger practically squealed, laughing like crazy and snorting every once and awhile. He brought his hand up to his mouth to cover the embarrassing noises flooding out his mouth and the large blush tainted on his cheeks. 'Oh, how adorable' was all Zhongli could think. He truly did get more cute everyday he spent with him.

All good things must come to an end, however, as Zhongli finally stopped his attack on his lover. His chest rose up and down, panting to recollect himself. Zhongli was a tease, but Ajax didn't expect him to tickle him like that out of nowhere, especially when hurt. "Did you learn your lesson?"

Ajax shoved a pillow in the Archon's face. "Oh, shut it."

"Sorry, Sorry," Zhongli smiled. "I know that your job entails you to do such things, but please, don't be so reckless. There's no need to be. If I was ever not there to ensure your safety I...Would never forgive myself."

Zhongli cuddled against the ginger, nuzzling his face into his neck. He let Zhongli get into his lap and cuddle without fight. "I'll be fine. I promise. I just have to get stronger. I have to protect you as well, Zhongli."

"I don't need saved, or protected." He sighed into his lover's neck.

"You don't? Are you sure?"

"Yes, of cou- Whatahaha??" Zhongli quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, now that Ajax was tickling him back. The little shit. "Notahaht fair!!"

"It is so fair," Ajax chuckled. "Who knew Rex Lapis could laugh at all?"

Maybe Zhongli deserved that one. He didn't know. He did know that he didn't want to let Ajax go tonight, even if they were laughing silly into the morning and this was distracting him from the true problems they were facing.

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